Describe a Time When You Changed Your Opinion.

Describe a Time When You Changed Your Opinion.

Describe a time when you changed your opinion.

  • You should say
  • When was it?
  • What was the original opinion?
  • Why you changed it?
  • And explain how you felt about it.

Sample Answer of Describe a Time When You Changed Your Opinion.

Changing opinion of any given thing is required courage though there were many times I did alter my decisions. One of them I want to discuss today when I passed my 12 th then my parents wanted me to go for other fields than engineering and enrolled in BSC electronics but at that time I was not happy and remained nervous.     IELTSFever Facebook Page

However, I confronted my parents and tell them clearly that I would not do as I want to pursue engineering in IT. I felt glitches while discussing with them but later on I was over the moon and confirmed my admission to a local college for further study. It was one of the brave things that I did in my career in the early days of education. Currently, my parents are also happy and they encourage me to speak or confront whenever needed.

ALso Check,

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