Describe when Someone Gave You Something You Really Wanted /a Gift You Received

Describe when Someone Gave You Something You Really Wanted /a Gift You Received

Describe when someone gave you something you really wanted /a gift you received.

  • Who gave it to you?
  • What was the thing?
  • When you receive it?
  • Why you needed it?
  • How did you feel about it?

Sample 1 Describe when someone gave you something you really wanted /a gift you received.

When I was in my final year of university, my parents gave me a gift I had wanted for a very long time. They surprised me with a brand-new laptop I desperately needed for my studies and personal projects.

I remember the day vividly – it was a sunny afternoon, and I had just returned home from class when my parents asked me to come into the living room. I had no idea what was happening, but they handed me a beautifully wrapped box as soon as I entered the room. I was thrilled and couldn’t wait to see what was inside. When I opened the box, I was ecstatic to see a sleek, modern laptop staring back at me.

The laptop was a game-changer for me. I had been using an old, slow computer that was constantly crashing and causing me endless frustration. With this new laptop, I could finally complete my assignments quickly and efficiently, without worrying about losing all of my work. I also used it for personal projects like graphic design and video editing, which had always been a passion of mine.

I felt incredibly grateful and happy about the gift. It was clear that my parents had put a lot of thought and effort into finding the perfect laptop for me. The fact that they had listened to my needs and wants and went out of their way to provide me with something I truly needed was incredibly touching. I felt loved and appreciated, making me even more determined to work hard and make them proud.

In summary, the laptop my parents gave me was a gift I truly wanted and needed. It was a symbol of their love and support, and it made a huge impact on my studies and personal projects. I will always be grateful for this thoughtful and generous gift.

Sample 2 Describe when someone gave you something you really wanted /a gift you received.

One of the most memorable gifts I received was from my best friend on my birthday a few years ago. My friend gave me a gift card to my favourite clothing store, which I had wanted for a long time.

My best friend gave it to me during a surprise birthday party she had organized for me. It was such a sweet gesture, making me feel extraordinary and loved. I had been talking about buying new clothes for a while but had been hesitant to spend money on myself, so the gift card was perfect.

The gift card also came at the right time, as I desperately needed new clothes. My wardrobe had become quite old and outdated, and I struggled to assemble new outfits for work and social events. With the gift card, I could purchase new clothes I felt confident and comfortable in.

I was over the moon when I received the gift card. It showed me that my best friend was paying attention to my needs and wants and was willing to go out of her way to make me happy. The fact that she had organized a surprise birthday party for me was already such a wonderful gift, but the gift card made it even more special.

In conclusion, receiving the gift card from my best friend was a wonderful experience. It showed me how much she cared about me and my happiness and helped me feel more confident in my appearance. I will always cherish this thoughtful and kind gesture from my best friend.

Follow-Up Questions Describe when someone gave you something you really wanted /a gift you received.

Question 1:- What is the relationship between shopping and the economy of your country?

Shopping plays a significant role in the economy of my country. It is a major contributor to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and creates employment opportunities for millions of people. The retail sector is a vital part of the economy, and it is constantly evolving as consumer preferences and technology change. As people shop and spend money, it helps to boost the economy by creating demand for goods and services, ultimately leading to economic growth and development.

Question 2:- What are the things young people like to buy?

Young people tend to have a wide range of interests and preferences when it comes to shopping. Some popular items that young people like to buy include trendy clothing and accessories, technology and electronics such as smartphones and gaming consoles, music and entertainment-related products, personal care and beauty items, and travel-related products and experiences. Many young people are also interested in eco-friendly and sustainable products and experiences that allow them to make memories with friends and loved ones. Overall, young people tend to value experiences and self-expression through their purchases.

Question 3:- How do your friends influence your shopping choice?

Friends can have a significant influence on an individual’s shopping choices. Peer pressure, recommendations, and shared interests can all play a role in influencing what someone buys. Friends can introduce new products or brands, offer advice on purchasing decisions, and even provide emotional support during shopping. Social media platforms also provide a space for friends to showcase their purchases, which can further influence others. Ultimately, the influence of friends on shopping choices can either be positive or negative, depending on the individual’s values and decision-making abilities.

Question 4:- Is consumption important to a country?

Consumption is a crucial component of a country’s economy. When people consume goods and services, it creates demand, which in turn stimulates the production and economic growth. Consumption also generates revenue and employment opportunities, both of which are vital to a healthy economy. Additionally, consumers can reflect on the standard of living and overall well-being of a country’s citizens. However, excessive consumption and unsustainable practices can have negative environmental impacts and contribute to economic inequalities. Therefore, countries need to balance consumption with sustainability and social responsibility.

Question 5:- What should parents do when their children ask for things their friends have?

When children ask for things that their friends have, parents should take the opportunity to discuss values and financial responsibility. Parents need to explain that material possessions do not define a person’s worth or happiness. Parents can also use this as an opportunity to teach children about budgeting, saving, and delayed gratification. Setting boundaries and establishing clear expectations for spending habits is also important. Ultimately, parents can use this situation to promote healthy decision-making and financial literacy skills that will benefit their children throughout their lives.

Question 6:- Why do people buy things that are not necessary?

People buy things that are not necessary for a variety of reasons. One of the primary reasons is to fulfil emotional needs and desires, such as feeling happy, fulfilled, or connected to others. Additionally, social pressures, such as advertising and peer influence, can drive people to make purchases they do not need. Some people may also engage in compulsive or impulsive shopping behaviour as a way to cope with stress or emotional pain. Ultimately, the reasons for buying unnecessary things can vary widely but often reflect human psychology and behaviour’s complex and multifaceted nature.

Question 7:- Should employees have their own goals?

Yes, employees should have their own goals. Setting goals helps employees to stay motivated and focused on achieving specific objectives. It also helps to align their efforts with the organization’s overall goals. Individual goals can also lead to increased job satisfaction and a sense of purpose, ultimately leading to better performance and outcomes. By setting goals, employees can also identify areas for growth and development and take ownership of their own professional development. Overall, having individual goals is an important part of creating a successful and fulfilling work experience.

Question 8:- How should bosses reward employees?

Bosses can reward employees in various ways, depending on their team members’ specific needs and preferences. Some common rewards include financial incentives such as bonuses or raise, public recognition and praise, opportunities for professional development and career advancement, and additional benefits such as flexible schedules or time off. Also, bosses can provide meaningful feedback and constructive criticism to help employees continue to grow and improve their roles. Ultimately, the most effective way to reward employees is to understand what motivates them and provide tailored incentives supporting their professional and personal goals.

Question 9:- What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive as gifts?

Young people have a wide range of interests and preferences when it comes to receiving gifts. Some popular gift ideas for young people include technology and electronics such as smartphones, tablets, and gaming consoles. Fashion and beauty items such as clothing, makeup, and accessories. Music and entertainment-related products and experiences such as concert tickets, travel opportunities, or gift cards. Personalized or unique gifts, such as customized jewellery or handcrafted items, can also be highly appreciated by young people. Overall, young people value gifts that align with their interests and passions and allow them to express their individuality.

Question 10:- How should children spend their allowance?

How children spend their allowance will depend on a number of factors, such as their age, family financial situation, and personal priorities. However, it is important for parents to use allowance as a teaching tool to promote financial literacy and responsible spending habits. Parents can encourage children to create a budget, save a portion of their allowance for future expenses or goals, and prioritize spending on items that align with their values and interests. Additionally, parents can use allowance as an opportunity to teach children about giving back to their community and supporting charitable causes. Ultimately, the goal of allowance is to help children learn how to manage money responsibly and sustainably.

Question 11:- Why do people like shopping more than in the past?

There are a number of reasons why people today may enjoy shopping more than in the past. One reason is the increased accessibility and convenience of online shopping, which allows people to easily browse and purchase products from their homes. Additionally, the rise of social media and advertising has created a culture of consumption and instant gratification, where people are constantly exposed to new products and trends. Shopping can also serve as a form of entertainment or stress relief for many people, providing a temporary escape from the pressures of daily life. Overall, the reasons why people enjoy shopping more today are complex and multifaceted, reflecting broader changes in technology, culture, and social norms.

Question 12:- Do you think shopping benefits a country’s economy?

Shopping can be good for a country’s economy to the extent that it drives consumer spending, which is an important component of economic growth. When people buy goods and services, they support businesses and create jobs, which can have positive ripple effects throughout the economy. However, shopping can also contribute to overconsumption, debt, and environmental degradation, negatively affecting individuals and society. Therefore, it is important to strike a balance between encouraging responsible consumer behaviour and supporting a healthy and sustainable economy.