Very Few School Children Learn About the Value of Money and How to Look After It (5) (1)

Very Few School Children Learn About the Value of Money and How to Look After It

Very few school children learn about the value of money and how to look after it, yet this is a critical life skill that should be taught as part of the school curriculum. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample 1

Some few school children were taught about money value and how to look after it, but this supposed to be a critical life skill that should be taught them in schools.

Yes, indeed, teaching the value of a currency is of utmost importance in School because early inculcating such promotable insight in children will help in the promotion of finance and avoidance of reckless spending. For instance, it gave them insight into ways to cancel some non-important needs, which results in country currency having values amongst others and irrelevant spending clashes. Then money is channelled to physiological needs and development.

On the other hand, including money skills in children curriculum may not be beneficial to them if teachers and ignorant of the skill. So it is better for the family to be inclusive because that’s the grass root. For example, children learn by example, the experience they saw. Consequently, if parents are so reckless towards money, it will pass down to their offspring, thereby affecting the country negatively.

Thus I strongly believe that including value money in the school curriculum will provide basic knowledge of money to children and the right path to channel our finances. Also, parents should be involved in the installation of that for world betterment.

Sample 2

Money is the most important aspect of life, and learning to respect it at a young age is beneficial later on. This article, however, disagrees with the statement that it should be learned in school because learning to generate money is not a subject that can be studied in an academy like any other subject. Furthermore, it is the obligation of parents to instil this moral ethic in their children.

To begin with, the school has a lot of courses on their schedule, and children already have a lot on their plates. Furthermore, including the value of money and how to spend it in the curriculum is a horrible idea, because students already have a lot to learn, and this cannot be taught in academies and then tested. For example, in the United Kingdom, they began teaching moral principles in schools, but after a period of time, they discovered that pupils were falling behind in other courses.

Second, children imitate their parents’ and grandparents’ moral ideals. Furthermore, parents must teach their children the value of money at a young age. This information gained at a young age will be fruitful, and you will not waste money on useless luxuries. For example, Warren Buffett, the world’s most successful investor, stated in one of his interviews that he understood the need for capital while still in school. At the age of 11, he made his first investment by accumulating pocket money given to him by his parents. As a result, he is now a billionaire and the world’s fifth-richest person.

To summarise, learning the worth of money as a youngster might be beneficial, and rather than teaching it in school, parents should instil moral values in their children.

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