Describe an occasion when you ate something for the first time (1)

Describe an Occasion When You Ate Something for the First Time

Describe an occasion when you ate something for the first time

  • When do you have it?
  • Where do you eat it?
  • What was it?
  • And how do you feel about it?

Sample Answer of Describe an Occasion When You Ate Something for the First Time

Every layman has three basic requirements for living alive, shelter, water and food. I like to try new dishes, today I would like to talk about the time when I ate pizza first time.

Five years ago, after completing my school final exam, I was free and fell exhausted by my routine life. One day my cousin called me and invited me to his house for someday; I went there.

His mother, I mean my paternal aunt, has very good cooking skills, after eating one dish of her mad by hand the majority of became fane of his cooking style. She had learnt several dishes from joining organizations. Her neighbour aunties also take her cooking advice.

One day, she planned to make pizza at night, her 4 to 5 friends were also invited. She barn midnight to mastering pizza making. That evening my cousin and I went to the supermarket to purchase some essential items.

I vividly remember but, we bought chilly, some chizz packets and other some stuff. After that, we also succour my aunt to making pizza such as cut vegetable, put some ingredients etc.

Finally, nearly at 8 PM, we seat for dinner; when I ate the first bite of pizza, I felt awesome; I hadn’t eaten this type of dish before, a taste of the pizza was too good like I was in heaven. My aunt made 3 to 4 pizzas extra for the next day; however, we all ate. It was a delicious item for me.

Later that time, I ate a host of time pizzas, but that first time and made by my aunt was delightful.

Follow-Ups of Describe an Occasion When You Ate Something for the First Time

Question 1:- Do you like to try new food?

Answer:- If we are talking about food, then I love to try new foods, even I am a foodie person in my group. However, I am a veterinarian, so I am not interested in teste non-veg food.

Question 2:- What kinds of foreign foods are popular in your country

Answer:- India is a diverse country, here a host of foreign foods cook and Indian also love to eat, such as Mexican food, Chinese and Thai dishes, Italian pizza is also popular.

Question 3:- Do you like to cook at home?

Answer:- Without any doubt, yes, cooking is a pivotal skill; I believe that we all ought to learn cooking; whenever I am free, I aid my mom in cooking, and sometimes I make dishes.

Question 4:- Is it expensive to eat out in your country?

Answer:- I think yes, it is expensive to eat outside India although I haven’t eaten any other country my uncle once told me he is a travel agent and he visited several other countries.

Question 5:- What’s the difference between Indian food and western food?

Answer:- In India majority of food are vegetarian except south Indian foods and have more protein and nutrition; it is also tasty and has less spicy food. At the same time, western dishes are made with several spicy ingredients as well as expensive.

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