Young People Who Commit Crimes Should Be Punished in The Same Way as Adults

Young People Who Commit Crimes Should Be Punished in The Same Way as Adults

Young people who commit crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Crimes that are committed by teenagers must be punished similarly to adults. However, I totally disagree with the statement. An argument for the disagreement and a counter-argument is explained in detail below, along with the conclusion.

To begin with, the media makes it look like where all the people who make mistakes are wrong and must be punishable by law, but the truth is totally the opposite. Most people believe what the media shows them. As a consequence, people believe that adolescents who make blunders are not criminals. During high school, I stole money from my home in order to go out with my friends for a movie and spend some quality time with them.

We had an amazing time, fulfilled with amazing memories and experiences. In a nutshell, it’s not an individual’s perspective on crimes but the manipulation of media.

On the other side, there are many punishable offences that are committed by the youth. On the internet, we come across many incidents of molestation and harassment happening in schools that are not being reported immediately. One of my friends suffered bullying in school, and due to fear and pressure from their parents and society, he was neither unable to complain to the authorities nor share with friends or parents. As a result, such punishable mistakes must be reported, and severe punishments should be imposed. In addition, similar crimes committed by adults are given utmost consideration and punished immediately by the norms.

In the end of the picture, crimes committed by teenagers and adults should be punished differently. The reasons for the same are the influence of media and the good side of the internet. Young people should share opinions either with friends, and parents should have a good rapport with their kids.

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