The Limited Budgets of Governments, Especially Those in Developing Countries,

The Limited Budgets of Governments, Especially Those in Developing Countries,

The limited budgets of governments, especially those in developing countries, are better spent on health and education than on employment-generating projects. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

Nowadays, it is observed that authorities are trying to encourage some activities which can create job vacancies, but few believe that they should concentrate on providing a better future. I firmly believe in this opinion. My view is explained further.

To begin with, promoting primary schools and providing hospitalisation at a lower cost will automatically increase the rate of working people. Instead of giving more vintage to job opportunities, there can be promotional activities by which level of education can be improved. To add to that, sometimes it happens that if government provide some basic treatment without any cost or lower cost, many lives can be saved. Also if one is educated, he can get a batter job opportunities.

On the contrary, if government promotes enhancing employment is at some point meaningless. As there is a lack of educational background and one is not able to fulfil the required criteria, he can not start to do a particular job. Moreover, if his health is not good, he also can not work.

So, all in all, it can be concluded that if ruling authorities want to expand employment, they start up it with education as well as they just look after the health of people.

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