Most employers do Job Interviews before offering a position to a person

Most employers do job interviews before offering a position to a person.

Most employers do job interviews before offering a position to a person. Do you think this is the best way to do it or are there better alternatives? What is the best method of choosing employees in your opinion?

Sample answer:


The advent of many inventions had to lead to a significant change in all sectors of life nevertheless, the recruitment procedure of an individual remains the same, as to date many organizations are conducting interviews to choose a suitable individual for the vacancy. even though this can be called one of the best method, a few alternative ways can also be implemented during this procedure of job placement which is discussed below.

The commonly well-said phrase that “experience is the best teacher” suits aptly very much for the interview method as few selectors who are well accoladed for there work in there fields of work will be conducting the procedure of an interview hence a person can be judged on his capabilities as the person sitting on the other end has immense knowledge about the job and its related responsibilities. On the other hand, this method cannot be implemented in all the various fields of hiring as sometimes and practical knowledge weighs more than the theoretical memory. For instance, a well-known ad agency wants to hire a choreographer by asking questions in regards to dance alone cannot prove his metal moreover his ability to perform should be tried differently may be asked to enact or dance.
Secondly, the time constraint is a major drawback in an interview .To explain in detail, a single vacancy many times draws a huge amount of applications consequently conducting an interview for every entrant would be long-lasting as well time-consuming. In such conditions, an entrance exam would be the preferred choice of anyone. People who exemplified in the theory can be called for the interview or can be directly placed in the subsequent jobs as we already know their performance.
In the final analysis, Although employing workers through an interview is a proven method of success, it does withhold its impediments, due to which adapting to a more hazzle or people-friendly convenient procedure would be beneficial for both the employer and employee.

This is the end of general and academic writing task 2: ( Most employers do job interviews before offering a position to a person. Do you think this is the best way to do it or are there better alternatives? )

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