Your Workplace Does Not Have a Parking Area for Cars and It Is Causing Some Problems (1)

Your Workplace Does Not Have a Parking Area for Cars and It Is Causing Some Problems

Your workplace does not have a parking area for cars and it is causing some problems. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter, you should:

  • Describe the problems
  • Explain why should solve the problems
  • And give your suggestions on how to solve the problems.

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to bring your notice about the car-parking space problem in the office campus.

I, Alok Singh, working as a Software Engineer in this organization for two years. Last week, I bought my first car and wanted to commute by it, but I have observed that there is no parking area for 4-wheelers and due to this, I have to park my car somewhere close to the office which is certainly unsafe.

Furthermore, many employees have been facing this same difficulty since they have started travelling by car, but somehow managing the parking at their own risk. Few colleagues have also shared their ordeal of parking the car outside; when they don’t get the space by the company, they have to spend extra time finding the right and safe place to park their vehicles.

Due to this predicament, most of the staff have stopped coming by cars as they had been damaged when parked outside. Therefore, it would be grateful if this problematic situation could be solved as soon as possible so that people across the office should resume their commute comfortably by their car.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Your’s faithfully,

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