The World Would Be a Better Place if Women Own the Leadership (4) (1)

The World Would Be a Better Place if Women Own the Leadership

The world would be a better place if women own the leadership. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Nowadays, in most fields, women are involved without any gender bias in every nook and corner. I completely agree with this assertion. In this essay, I intend to delve into the benefits of ruling by women along with relevant illustrations.

Firstly, the women leader can do plenty of things than men. Owing to this, the women know the responsibilities and hard work in which no other human being can take place. For instance, if the woman is handling the entire house with numerous people, she even can handle the entire nation and also the world without any qualms. As a result, the house is maintaining its beauty with the families, in the same fashion, the world or nation can look stunning.

Secondly, the fighting spirit, hard work, enthusiasm, empathy, and many more are only available in women with girl power which was gifted by god. Moreover, if the government or companies are in women’s hands, the entire situation will change. For instance, the Nykaa owner is also a lady and one of the top 5 richest people in the nation with the span of a decade. As a result, the share values also climbed. In the same way, if the government is also in women’s hands, then the ruling can also be different with innovative thoughts and can reduce poor low-class people.

In conclusion, although women are initiating their career path in all aspects, yet there are some circumstances that need to resolve as soon as possible without affecting them.

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