The table below shows the top ten countries with the largest population in 2019, and how it is projected to change by 2100 (2) (1)

The Table Below Shows the Top Ten Countries With the Largest Population in 2019, and How It Is Projected to Change by 2100

The table below shows the top ten countries with the largest population in 2019, and how it is projected to change by 2100. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The table below shows the top ten countries with the largest population in 2019, and how it is projected to change by 2100

Sample 1 The Table Below Shows the Top Ten Countries With the Largest Population in 2019

The tabular chart depicts the population of ten different nations in millions.

In 2019, China had the highest population of 1,439 million, whereas India had 1,380 million. The population of the USA was 331 million, while in the case 0f Indonesia, it declined by 57 million. Moreover, in Nigeria, the number of inhabitants was 206 million. Furthermore, Bangladesh had 165 million citizens. In Russia and Mexico, the population of people were 146 and 129, respectively.

Moving on to 2100, the population of India will anticipate the highest (1,551), whilst in the case of China, it will decrease by 610 million. In addition to this, the citizens of Nigeria and Pakistan projected 730 and 316 million, respectively. In the case of Ethiopia and Tanzania, it predicted 212 and 178 million of population, and in Brazil, it estimated 177 million.

Overall, in the past, China had the highest population; however, in future, the lowest population was estimated for Brazil.

Sample 2 The Table Below Shows the Top Ten Countries With the Largest Population in 2019

The given table below illustrates/compares the data of the world’s top ten largest populated countries in 2019 with projected numbers in 2100. The figures are presented in millions.

With the exception of China and Brazil, it is clear that all of the countries’ populations are growing. Bangladesh, Russia, and Mexico have been replaced by D. R. Congo (the Democratic Republic of the Congo), Ethiopia, as well as Tanzania.

In 2019, China had a population of 1,439 million, while India had a population of 1,380 million. However, by 2100, India is expected to have the largest population of 1,551 million, while China has lost 498 million since 2019. Despite the fact that the United States is expected to grow by 147 million people to 478 million, it will drop from third to fourth place because Nigeria will overtake it, moving up from seventh place with 206 million people to a total of 730 million. Brazil’s population is estimated to be 213 million in 2019, but it will decline from sixth to the tenth position in 2100, with a population of 177 million, a 36 million fall.

Besides that, three of the top ten most largest countries in the world will no longer be among the top ten in 2100 because they will be replaced by three new growing nations, such as D. R. Congo, which currently ranks sixth with 296 million people, Ethiopia, which ranks eighth with 212 million people, and Tanzania, which ranks ninth with 178 million people.

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