One Way to Solve the Problem of Congestion Is to Increase the Tax on Private Vehicles Writing Task 2 (2) (1)

One Way to Solve the Problem of Congestion Is to Increase the Tax on Private Vehicles: Writing Task 2

One way to solve the problem of congestion is to increase the tax on private vehicles. Do the advantages of this solution outweigh its disadvantages?

There are numerous ways to overcome traffic caused by vehicles on the road. One among them is raising the tax on the private vehicles bought by the people. It has many benefits over a few unfavourable situations. Both the scenarios are explained in the below paragraphs, followed by the conclusion.

The cost of the vehicles is fluctuating exponentially. The Government has increased the taxes while buying vehicles such that people are in a dilemma in order to sustain the expenses. Eventually, they will start using public transport, and the vehicle count on the road will fall rapidly. The use of public transport decreases not only congestion but also pollution. The different gases which are released into the air from vehicles lead to severe health problems.

Moreover, it leads to a healthy lifestyle. A recent survey conducted by an NGO shows that ninety per cent of the developed countries are imposing huge amounts of taxes on cars and making necessary changes to the fares of buses and metro trains. Though there are many advantages with respect to taxes imposed on vehicles, car manufacturers find it difficult as the sales of cars have fallen down. However, the Government is taking immense measures to abide by the losses faced by the automobile industry. A special team of young engineers was created to collaborate with the various manufacturers for the production of vehicles that can be used for public transport.

As a result, the congestion on the roads has been decreased by imposing taxes on vehicles which makes people prefer travelling in public transport. Though there are few losses experienced by the automobile industry, there are other alternatives such as changes and facilities which are inculcated by the Government. People also feel comfortable while commuting with others.

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