Number of Travellers Using Three Major German Airports Between 2007 and 2012

Number of Travellers Using Three Major German Airports Between 2007 and 2012

The table below highlights data on the number of travellers using three major German airports between 2007 and 2012. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

Number of Travellers Using Three Major German Airports Between 2007 and 2012

Sample Answer of Number of Travellers Using Three Major German Airports Between 2007 and 2012

The table shows the use of three main German airports by the passengers in millions (m) from 2007 to 2012.

Overall, the majority of the travellers made use of Frankfurt airport; likewise, the year 2012 had the highest number of passengers.

In 2007, 27.2m commuters visited the Dusseldorf airport, this then increased significantly to 48.2m before it declined moderately in the next two years to 33.2m and rising again to 45.6m in 2012. It started with 36.5m travellers in the first year for Frankfurt, and this value shot up gradually to 44.4m in 2009. It continued to soar until it reached almost double the starting number in 2012.

Regarding Berlin Tegel airport, the initial year had 17.3m passengers, which jumped to 39.9m in 2009. It then increased to 43.3m in 2010 and remained at that value till the last year.

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