The Site of an Airport Now and How It Will Look After Redevelopment Next Year

The Site of an Airport Now and How It Will Look After Redevelopment Next Year

The plans below show the site of an airport now and how it will look after redevelopment next year. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The Site of an Airport Now and How It Will Look After Redevelopment Next Year

Sample Answer of The Site of an Airport Now and How It Will Look After Redevelopment Next Year

The map depicts a information about the changes which took place in the airport now and in the product and in the future

It is clearly seen that the there is eight gates now which will be expanded by 18 in the future the passport security centre and other centre will be remain at its future now and in the upcoming time apart from this in the left side of the sports facility will be introduced in the future the space of a tracking is replaced row from left to right centre near the bags drop next lead the the mnt of cafe will be blood in the in the future near the left side of departure gate which will also be expanded from 12 to gates the parking area will be construct in the right side of the arrival gate number 2 which is expanded also in the space of it and the facility of new two-thirds will be built in the upcoming time

Overall this Airport is totally renewed by the upcoming plan and any kind of city which will be introduced for the passengers

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