Describe something that you brought home from a tourist place.

Describe something that you brought home from a tourist place.

Describe something that you brought something from a tourist place.

Sample 1( pair of earrings )

It is very ordinary in India to buy something from a tourist spot. People like to do it to save the sweet memories of their lives. I also like to do it. About 3 years ago, I went to see a historical place named Red fort. At that time, I bought a pair of earrings and other stuff. These are made by teeth of elephants and wood. I explained it briefly.

pair of earringsAbout three years ago, I went to Delhi with my friend to see Red Fort. We completed our journey from my hometown to Delhi on the bus. I was so excited about visiting there. On that day, an exhibition was held in which many people set up their stalls to sell their handcraft. I was seeing souvenirs there and I saw a pair of earrings on one stall. I was attracted by this item.

This is made of wood and the elephant’s teeth. There is a cot of red color on it, and I bought it for 200 rupees. It was a very reasonable price for me. I have this product yet.


Apart from it, I also purchased some keyrings for my friends. The shapes of keyrings mesmerized me most because these were made of wood. These were cut according to the alphabet of the English language. I bought 5 keyrings and then, I gifted it to my friends. They felt highly elated. All in all, this was an unforgettable memory for me which is related to the exhibition of Delhi.


  1. Do you prefer to buy souvenirs or useful things? Why?
  2. What is your opinion about the asking price for souvenirs?
  3. What would you like to buy when you are on holiday?
  4. Is it acceptable that local people sell souvenirs?
  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking photographs?
  6. what are the pros and cons of taking a professional camera while traveling?

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