Describe a Time when You Had to Lend Something to A Person You Know

Describe a Time when You Had to Lend Something to A Person You Know

Describe a time when you had to lend something to a person you know. You should say

  • What did you lend?
  • When did it happen?
  • Why does he/she ask to borrow the item?
  • Explain how you felt about this.
  • Would you let him borrow it again in future?

Sample 1 Describe a time when you had to lend something to a person you know.

I remember when a close friend asked me to lend him my laptop for a few days. It was a high-end model I had recently purchased and used for my work. Initially, I was hesitant to lend it to him because I was concerned about the safety of my data and the possibility of damage to the laptop.

However, he explained that he needed it for an urgent project requiring him to work from home, and his laptop malfunctioned. He assured me that he would take good care of it and return it as soon as he was finished.

After some consideration, I decided to lend him the laptop. I made sure to back up all my important files and reminded him to be careful with it. I also gave him some basic instructions on how to use it properly.

During the days he had my laptop, I felt a bit anxious about its safety and worried that it might get damaged. However, my friend kept me informed of his progress and returned the laptop in good condition and on time.

Overall, I felt glad that I could help my friend in his time of need, and I also appreciated his trust in me. If a similar situation arises, I would certainly consider lending him my laptop again if necessary and under reasonable circumstances.

Sample 2 Describe a time when you had to lend something to a person you know.

I remember a time when my friend, John, asked me to lend him my camera for his upcoming trip to Europe. I have a Canon DSLR camera that I use for photography as a hobby, and I was initially hesitant to lend it to him because it’s quite expensive and valuable. However, I eventually agreed because I knew that John is responsible and trustworthy.

The incident happened about two years ago, in the summer of 2019, a few days before John’s trip to Europe. He called me to ask if he could borrow my camera because he wanted to take high-quality photos of his travels. I was initially surprised and reluctant, but John convinced me that he would take good care of it and return it in good condition.

I lent him my camera and its accessories, such as the charger and lens kit. And I also gave him some basic tips on properly using it. Overall, I felt a mix of anxiety and excitement about lending my camera to John. On the one hand, I was worried about the possibility of it getting lost or damaged, but on the other hand, I was happy to help him capture some great memories from his trip.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly, and John returned my camera to me in the same condition as when I lent it to him. He even gave me a USB drive with all his travel photos, which I thought was nice. I was relieved and grateful that he took good care of my camera and appreciated my trust in him.

If John were to ask me to borrow my camera again in the future, I would definitely consider it, as long as I feel confident that he will take good care of it again. Lending valuable items to someone requires trust and responsibility, but it can also be a way to strengthen friendships and help each other out.

Follow-Up Questions Describe a time when you had to lend something to a person you know.

Question 1:- What do you think of people who are posting about their personal life on social media?

In my opinion, people who post about their personal life on social media may have different reasons for doing so. Some may want to share their experiences with others, while others may seek attention or validation from their online followers. However, I think it’s important to consider the potential consequences of sharing too much personal information on social media, such as privacy risks and negative impacts on mental health. Ultimately, it’s up to the individual to decide what they want to share online, but it’s important to be aware of the potential consequences and act accordingly.

Question 2:- How do you feel about sharing research documents online?

Sharing research documents online can be beneficial as it allows for easier access to information and can lead to collaboration and progress in the field. However, it is important to consider copyright, intellectual property, and potential plagiarism issues. It is also important to ensure the accuracy and validity of the research being shared. Therefore, taking appropriate measures and following ethical guidelines when sharing research documents online is important.

Question 3:- Do you think children should share their things with each other?

Sharing is an important social skill that children should learn from an early age. It teaches them about generosity, empathy, and cooperation, and it can promote positive social interactions with their peers. When children share their things with each other, they develop better relationships and foster a sense of community. However, it is important to teach children about boundaries and personal property so that they can also learn to respect other’s belongings. Overall, encouraging children to share their things can help them build valuable social skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Question 4:- Why aren’t children willing to share their things, such as toys?

Children may not be willing to share their things, such as toys, for a variety of reasons. One possible reason is that they are afraid of losing their belongings or that others may damage or not take care of them. They may also be possessive of their things and feel that they are entitled to keep them to themselves. Additionally, children may feel that sharing their belongings is inconvenient or that they will not get them back. A variety of factors, including personality traits, family dynamics, and cultural norms, can influence these attitudes.

Question 5:- How can parents teach their children about sharing?

Parents can teach their children about sharing by modelling the behaviour themselves. They can share their belongings with their children and with other people and explain why sharing is important. They can also use role-playing to teach children how to share with others and reinforce positive sharing behaviour with praise and rewards. Additionally, parents can encourage their children to engage in activities that promote sharing, such as group play, and read stories or watch videos that emphasize the value of sharing with others.