Describe a Time when Someone Gave You Positive Advicesuggestions About Your Workstudy

Describe a Time when Someone Gave You Positive Advice/suggestions About Your Work/study

Describe a time when someone gave you positive advice/suggestions about your work/study. You should say:-

  • What did you do?
  • When was it
  • Why you got positive feedback?
  • How did you feel about it?

Sample 1 Describe a time when someone gave you positive advice/suggestions about your work/study.

There was a time during my academic journey when I received some truly positive advice that greatly impacted my work and study habits. I was in my second year of university, studying computer science, and I had just completed a challenging programming project. It was at this time that I had the opportunity to meet with one of my professors for a one-on-one consultation.

It was in the middle of the semester, around mid-October, when I had been feeling quite overwhelmed by the workload and the complexity of the programming tasks. Despite my efforts, I was not satisfied with my performance and was starting to doubt my capabilities. I decided to approach my professor for guidance on how I could improve my skills and better manage my time.

During our meeting, my professor reviewed my project and provided me with some constructive feedback. He pointed out the areas where I had done well and praised me for my dedication and effort in completing the task. He specifically mentioned that my problem-solving approach was methodical and effective and that I had been able to break down complex problems into smaller, manageable tasks. This was the primary reason why I received positive feedback.

However, he also highlighted some areas where I could improve, such as optimizing my code for better performance and making it more readable for others. My professor then suggested that I should join a study group where I could collaborate and learn from my peers, as well as consider attending programming workshops to further enhance my skills. He also recommended allocating more time for self-study and practice to build my confidence.

Hearing this positive advice and encouragement from my professor left me feeling motivated and inspired. His suggestions helped me view my struggles as opportunities for growth rather than as insurmountable obstacles. I felt reassured that I was on the right track and that, with hard work and perseverance, I could overcome the challenges I was facing.

Following his advice, I joined a study group and attended several workshops, which significantly improved my programming skills and boosted my self-confidence. I also began allocating more time for self-study and practice, which allowed me to better understand the concepts and apply them effectively in my projects.

In conclusion, receiving positive advice from my professor during that difficult period in my studies proved to be invaluable. It not only helped me improve my work but also instilled a sense of self-belief and determination to overcome challenges. I am grateful for the guidance and support I received, and I believe that this experience has played a significant role in shaping my academic and professional growth.

Sample 2 Describe a time when someone gave you positive advice/suggestions about your work/study.

During my high school years, there was a time when I received some truly uplifting advice that greatly influenced my approach to work and study. I was in my senior year, preparing for my final exams, when I encountered difficulties in understanding some mathematical concepts. It was during this period that I sought guidance from my math teacher, Mr Thompson.

It was late February, just a couple of months before the exams when I realized that I was struggling to grasp certain topics in calculus and algebra. I was worried that my inability to comprehend these concepts would negatively affect my performance in the exams. Consequently, I decided to approach Mr Thompson for help.

In our meeting, Mr Thompson patiently listened to my concerns and reviewed my recent assignments. He acknowledged my strong foundation in the subject and commended my dedication to improving. He also highlighted the fact that I had a good understanding of the basic concepts but was struggling with more complex problems, which was the main reason I received positive feedback.

Mr Thompson then suggested that I should revise my study plan to allocate more time for practising complex problems, as well as break down each problem into smaller, manageable tasks. He also advised me to seek help from my classmates who excelled in those areas and to be proactive in asking questions during class to clarify any doubts.

Receiving such positive advice from Mr Thompson made me feel motivated and reassured. His words of encouragement instilled a newfound confidence in me, which helped me believe that I could overcome my challenges and excel in mathematics.

Following Mr Thompson’s advice, I revised my study plan and started to practice complex problems diligently. I also began to actively participate in class, seeking help from my classmates and asking questions whenever I encountered difficulties. As a result, my understanding of the challenging concepts improved significantly, and I was able to perform well in my final exams.

In summary, the positive advice and support I received from Mr Thompson during that critical phase of my studies played a pivotal role in shaping my academic success. It not only helped me overcome my challenges but also instilled a sense of self-confidence and determination in me. I am grateful for the guidance I received, and I believe that this experience has significantly contributed to my personal and academic growth.

Follow Us Questions Describe a time when someone gave you positive advice/suggestion about your work/study.

Question 1:- Do you like helping others?

Answer – I do like helping others. I believe that it is important to lend a helping hand whenever possible, whether it be through small acts of kindness or more significant efforts to make a positive impact in the world. Helping others not only benefits the recipient of the assistance, but it can also provide a sense of fulfilment and purpose to the person offering the help. Whether it is volunteering, offering support to a friend, or simply being a kind and empathetic listener, I believe that helping others is a meaningful and worthwhile pursuit.

Question 2:- Should children be taught to help others?

Answer – In my opinion, teaching children to help others is an essential aspect of their upbringing. It helps to instil in them the values of empathy, kindness, and respect for others from a young age, which are important qualities for their personal growth and development. By learning to help others, children can develop important skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership, which will be useful to them in their future personal and professional lives. Moreover, teaching children to help others can help them to develop a greater sense of self-awareness, understanding, and appreciation for the world around them, which can ultimately contribute to building a more compassionate and harmonious society.

Question 3:- How can we encourage children to help others?

Answer – There are several ways in which we can encourage children to help others. One way is to model kindness and empathy ourselves, as children often learn through imitation. Additionally, we can involve children in community service projects, volunteer work, and other activities that allow them to see the impact that their actions can have on others. Praising children for their acts of kindness and generosity can also help to reinforce these behaviours and encourage them to continue helping others. Finally, we can provide children with opportunities to develop their social skills, such as communication, collaboration, and problem-solving, which will equip them with the tools they need to be effective helpers and leaders in their communities.

Question 4:- Do you think people are less willing to help others these days compared to the past?

Answer – I believe that the willingness of people to help others has not necessarily decreased, but rather the ways in which people are willing to help may have changed. In the past, people may have been more likely to help others in their immediate communities, while today, there is a greater awareness and concern for global issues and humanitarian crises. Additionally, the methods for helping have expanded with the growth of social media and crowdfunding platforms, allowing for more targeted and efficient assistance. However, there may be some societal factors that could impact people’s willingness to help, such as increasing individualism and decreasing trust in institutions.

Question 5:- Do people trust others as much as they used to in the past?

Answer – It seems that people may not trust others as much as they used to in the past. In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, there are many factors that can impact trust levels, such as the rise of social media, political polarization, and increasing incidents of fraud and scams. Moreover, people, today may be more hesitant to trust others due to growing concerns about personal privacy and security. However, it is important to note that trust is a complex concept that can vary widely across cultures, regions, and generations. Some studies suggest that trust levels may still be relatively high in certain contexts, such as small communities or close-knit social networks.

Question 6:- How do people in your community help one another?

Answer – In India, people help one another in many ways, including through the practice of “giving back” to society. Many wealthy individuals and families in India have established charitable foundations or donated large sums of money to support various social causes, such as education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability. Additionally, there are many informal networks of community support, such as “mahila mandals” or women’s groups, that work together to address issues such as domestic violence, health, and education. Furthermore, the concept of “ubuntu,” or interconnectedness, is deeply ingrained in Indian culture and emphasizes the importance of compassion, empathy, and mutual support in building strong and vibrant communities.

Question 7:- How do students such as high school students help each other?

Answer – High school students can help each other in various ways, including academic and social support. Students can collaborate on group projects, form study groups to review course material, and provide feedback on each other’s work. Additionally, students can support each other through mentorship and guidance, sharing experiences and advice on navigating academic and personal challenges. In social situations, students can help one another by promoting inclusivity, respect, and empathy and by working to create a positive and supportive school culture. Peer support networks, such as student-led clubs or organizations, can also provide opportunities for students to help each other and make a positive impact in their communities.

Question 8:- How can charitable organizations help people?

Answer – Charitable organizations can help people in many ways, including providing emergency relief in response to natural disasters or humanitarian crises. Additionally, they can support the research and development of new technologies or treatments for diseases, as well as funding medical research to find a cure for incurable illnesses. Charitable organizations can also promote education and job training programs, which can help people to gain skills and increase their employability. Furthermore, charitable organizations can advocate for policies that promote equality, social justice, and human rights and work to raise awareness and mobilize resources to address pressing social issues.

Question 9:- What are some examples of such organizations in your country?

Answer – There are many charitable organizations that operate in India, addressing a wide range of social, environmental, and economic issues. Some examples of such organizations include the Akshaya Patra Foundation, which provides mid-day meals to school children in rural areas; Goonj, which collects and distributes clothing and other essential items to those in need; and the Indian Cancer Society, which works to raise awareness and provide support for cancer patients and their families. Other notable organizations include Teach for India, which promotes education and educational equity, and HelpAge India, which supports elderly citizens with healthcare, social services, and advocacy.

Question 10:- What do you think are the benefits of having unpaid volunteer workers?

Answer – The benefits of having unpaid volunteer workers are numerous. Firstly, volunteers bring a wide range of skills, experiences, and perspectives to charitable organizations, which can help to enhance their impact and effectiveness. Additionally, volunteer workers can help to reduce operational costs, allowing more resources to be directed towards the organization’s mission and goals. Moreover, volunteers can help to build strong and vibrant communities by fostering a sense of ownership, responsibility, and civic engagement. Finally, volunteering can promote social cohesion and solidarity by bringing people from diverse backgrounds together around a common cause. Overall, unpaid volunteer workers can play a critical role in supporting the work of charitable organizations and promoting positive social change.

Question 11:- How do you think the volunteers themselves benefit?

Answer – Volunteering can provide numerous benefits to individuals who participate in charitable organizations. Firstly, volunteering can offer a sense of fulfilment and personal satisfaction by giving back to the community and making a positive impact on society. Secondly, volunteering can provide opportunities to develop new skills, gain experience, and broaden one’s horizons. It can also offer opportunities to network and make connections with like-minded individuals. Thirdly, volunteering can promote mental and physical well-being by reducing stress, increasing social support, and promoting a sense of purpose. Finally, volunteering can help individuals to gain a deeper understanding of social issues and challenges and develop empathy and compassion towards others.

Question 12:- Should professionals be hired rather than using volunteer workers?

Answer – The decision to hire professionals or use volunteer workers depends on the specific needs and goals of the organization. While professionals can bring expertise, specialized skills, and a greater degree of accountability, they can also be more expensive and may lack the community connections and personal investment that volunteers bring. On the other hand, volunteers can offer enthusiasm, a willingness to learn, and a diverse range of experiences and perspectives but may require more support and training to be effective. Ultimately, the optimal solution may involve a combination of both professionals and volunteers, depending on the nature and scope of the organization’s activities.

Question 13:- Are international aid, for example, from my national government to another, important?

Answer – International aid, such as from national governments to other countries, can play a vital role in addressing pressing global challenges, such as climate change, food insecurity, and conflict resolution. International aid can help to build strong and resilient communities, improve access to basic services, and promote economic growth and development. It can also facilitate the sharing of knowledge and expertise and support international cooperation and solidarity. Finally, international aid can promote global peace and stability by addressing the root causes of conflict and supporting a peaceful resolution. Overall, international aid can have a significant positive impact on the lives of individuals and communities around the world.

Question 14:- Can you give examples of international aid?

Answer – International aid takes many forms and can be provided by governments, international organizations, NGOs, and individuals. Some examples of international aid include financial support, such as donations to humanitarian organizations, grants, and loans for infrastructure projects. Technical assistance, such as expertise in fields like healthcare, education, and agriculture, can also be provided. Moreover, emergency aid, such as food, shelter, and medical supplies, can be critical in responding to natural disasters, conflicts, and other humanitarian crises. Additionally, support for environmental protection, gender equality, and human rights can also be considered international aid. Overall, international aid can take many forms and play a crucial role in promoting global well-being and sustainable development.
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