Describe a skill that you would like to teach others (5) (1)

Describe a Skill that You Would like to Teach Others

Describe a skill that you would like to teach others (other than drawing, cooking or writing). Please say

  • What is it?
  • Whom would you like to teach?
  • Why did you choose this skill?
  • And explain why this skill is beneficial.

Sample Answer of Describe a Skill that You Would like to Teach Others

Every person has one skill that is lacking in others. I want to talk about one such skill that was a computer skill which I wanted to teach to my friend Laxmi.

She varies intelligently in studies but as our brach is a concern and due to technological changes it has become necessary for everyone to learn software and computer. I am very comfortable with the computer and its functions. Besides this, I have done the software course if Autocad and Revit, which is very crucial to a civil engineer. This software consists of various functions, and I have to explain all the examples.

It was very difficult for me when I started using this software but now I pro in it. I have done many designs on it, and with practice, we can easily work efficiently with time. With the technological advancements, civil engineers no longer design on sheets, so it’s necessary to learn this skill.

Follow-ups Describe a Skill that You Would like to Teach Others.

Question 1:- What are the necessary qualities to be a good teacher?

Answer – Firstly, the teacher must be generous and also able to work with patience. Secondly, they must have lots of proficiency as well as understanding. Lastly, they must contain instil confidence and manage the classroom effectively.

Question 2:- Can anyone become a teacher?

Answer – Yes, everyone can become a teacher if someone has the above qualities. Other than that, we everybody has one the teachers always nearby that is our parents.

Question 3:- Is it important to have a teacher to learn something?

Answer – I think the professional teacher has to earn a degree to join a teaching firm. Though our parents do not have a degree, they are successful teachers.

Question 4:- Do you think a teacher should use humour to teach?

Answer – Yes, definitely. Every quality has its importance similarly humour also. I think always having serious study will be boring, so having amusement in between will change the perception of studying things, as well as children, will perceive friendly behaviour and will be free with their mentor.

Question 5:- Do you think the environment plays a major role in teaching?

Answer – Yes, definitely. Our surrounding is full of various ongoing activities from which children will learn a different thing.

Question 6:- Is the current education system failing to keep up with the change in society, in your opinion?

Answer – No, I don’t think so. In fact, teaching methods and social change are walking hand in hand. As we can see, teaching on the blackboard has been replaced by e-learning practices. Also, due to the focus on modern invention, the IT Subject has become one of the crucial subjects in schools. So I don’t think it’s changing.

Question 7:- Do you think Artificial Intelligence can replace a teacher?

Answer – Yes, definitely. With the greater speed of invention, the day is not far from now that teachers will not need in school and software programs will teach them also solve their a problem with a one-click of a button.

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