Describe a person who likes to travel by plane (3) (1)

Describe a Person Who Likes to Travel by Plane

Describe a person who likes to travel by plane: You should say:

  • Who this person is?
  • How do you know this person?
  • Where this person travels to?
  • Explain why this person likes to travel by plane?

Sample Answer of Describe a Person Who Likes to Travel by Plane

I have a friend who loves travelling by air always; he is CJ. He is a very prominent man with a compassionate heart. He is muscular in nature and extrovert. Taller than me and very handsome. He is a lover of football to the extent he buys tickets to European countries just to watch live football matches. He happened to be a friend to my elder brother, who is a medical doctor, so I knew him from Dr Ikedi, who is his family doctor. He is always on transit around the globe because he is a successful businessman. Although from Lagos to our countryside is just 2 hours by land but he comes back by air. He is hardly seen travel by land unless it is just a stone throw. He loves travelling by air because he believes it has a lot of security and is also a time saver.

Recently, my colleague Nancy has grown a passion for aviation since she went to South Africa for the Nclex exam and India (Goma) precisely to visit her husband, who resides there. She is quite intelligent and the most beautiful among us in the male medical ward. I was marvelled when we had a workshop at Owerri; she bought VIP tickets for both of us; Owerri is just 6 hours drive from our state of resident. She loved to travel by aeroplane because it is very much continent and exposed.

Follow-ups of Describe a Person Who Likes to Travel by Plane

Question 1:- Which are the benefits and drawbacks of travelling by plane?

Answer:- Travelling by aeroplane has many advantages like being fast, convenient and fewer accidents. The rate of the air crash is minimal to compare accidents by road. It also has some demerits like not being easily accessible, affordable and plane crashes sometimes. The cost is very high, and not all individuals can afford to travel with it.

Question 2:- Is it great to live nearby an airport?

Answer:- No, living close to the airport is not advisable because of the noise pollution plane generate when landing. Like people who have health challenges like high blood pressure and heart problem, their condition can escalate.

Question 3:- What types of transportation do people choose when they go on a long trip?

Answer:- preference if the journey is very far and also individuals that want to meet up with time. It is also the most convenient of all the travelling routes.

Question 4:- Would you prefer to travel in your own car in the future?

Answer:- yes, because it is convenient and less risk of contracting communicable diseases, like during covid-19 public transport was the highest risk of contracting it once there’s some carriers and also tuberculosis.

Question 5:- What sorts of people travel by aeroplane in India?

Answer:- here, due to the economic crisis probably is only for the rich, prominent personnel and government officials who can afford it.

Question 6:- Are you pleased with the service on the plane in India?

Answer:- their service is great. They welcome their customers with a smiling face and serve you drinks of your choice. In fact, workers are selected.

Question 7:- Why do some people just dislike aviation?

Answer:- Yes, some dislikes travelling by aeroplane because of plane crashes and fear the unknown.

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