Your Neighbour Keep Animals in Your Garden Because of Which You and Your Family Are Facing Problems

Your Neighbour Keep Animals in Your Garden Because of Which You and Your Family Are Facing Problems

Your Neighbour Keep Animals in Your Garden Because of Which You and Your Family Are Facing Problems.

Write a letter

  • Explain problems
  • Suggest a solution
  • If nothing improves then what will be the consequences

Dear Samir Rao,

I am writing to you regarding the animals you keep in your garden that are causing several problems for me and my family. While we understand your love for animals, the situation has become quite unbearable for us.

The constant noise and disturbance from the animals have disrupted our daily routine, and their presence has caused a foul odor that has made it difficult for us to enjoy our outdoor space. Additionally, the animals have been destroying our property, including our garden and outdoor furniture. This has resulted in significant financial losses and has been a cause of great inconvenience.

To resolve this issue, I would suggest that you consider relocating the animals to a more suitable location or consult a professional to help you manage the animals’ behavior. Alternatively, you could consider constructing an enclosure or a separate space for the animals, which will prevent them from roaming into our property.

If the situation is not resolved soon, I will have to seek legal action, as it is causing severe distress to me and my family. I hope you understand the gravity of the situation and take appropriate action to resolve this matter amicably.

I look forward to hearing from you soon and hope that we can find a solution to this problem that works for both of us.



Sample 2  Your Neighbour Keep Animals in Your Garden Because of Which You and Your Family Are Facing Problems

Dear Zara,

I am writing this letter to bring your attention to a matter that has been causing significant problems for me and my family. The issue concerns the animals that you keep in your garden, which have been causing a lot of disturbances and distress for us.

Firstly, the noise from the animals is often loud and disruptive, making it difficult for us to concentrate or relax at home. In addition, the odor from the animals and the waste they leave behind have been causing a foul smell that is unpleasant and can be harmful to our health.

Furthermore, the animals have been destroying our garden and outdoor furniture, which has resulted in significant financial losses for us. We have tried speaking to you about this issue before, but unfortunately, nothing has been done to resolve it.

Therefore, I would suggest that you consider relocating the animals to a more suitable location where they can live without causing disturbance or harm to others. Alternatively, you could consider building an enclosure to contain the animals and prevent them from roaming into our property.

If the situation is not resolved soon, we may have to consider seeking legal action to protect our rights and ensure that the issue is addressed appropriately. We hope that we can resolve this matter amicably and without any further inconvenience.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.



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About manjeet singh 363 Articles
I'm Manjeet, an experienced teacher of IELTS with experience in teaching students how to grasp this English language. My journey to academic excellence began at the world-renowned LPU JalandharUniversity, where I obtained my bachelor's degree of English and Education. This fueled my love of teaching and exploration of the language. I am a specialist in creating individualized educational plans that do not only focus on achieving top IELTS scores, but also at developing a passion for language learning and the English language.