You Have Just Enrolled in A 12-Week English Class but Have Found

You Have Just Enrolled in A 12-Week English Class but Have Found

You Have Just Enrolled in A 12-Week English Class but Have Found that You Have a Family Problem and You Will Have to Return Home. Write to The School. in Your Letter

  • Explain What Has Happened.
  • Request a Refund.
  • Ask Whether You Will Be Able to Return at A Later Date.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that due to an unexpected family problem, I will need to return home before completing the 12-week English class that I recently enrolled in. Unfortunately, the situation requires my immediate attention, and I must leave earlier than planned.

I regret to inform you of my sudden departure and the inconvenience it may cause. I had been looking forward to completing the course and enjoying my time in the class. However, my current circumstances do not permit me to continue the course.

In light of these unforeseen circumstances, I would like to request a refund for the remaining weeks of the course that I will not be able to complete. I understand that the school’s refund policy is strict, but I hope you will consider my situation and make an exception. I have attached all the necessary documentation related to my family emergency to this letter for your reference.

Furthermore, I would like to inquire about the possibility of returning to the school at a later date. I want to complete the English language class if my circumstances permit. Please let me know if this is possible and what the process for re-enrollment would entail.

I appreciate your understanding and assistance in this matter. I had a positive experience in your school and was impressed with the quality of the course. I hope to continue with my studies in the future.

Thank you for your time and attention.



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