You Cannot Go to A Company Where You Got an Offer (1)

You Cannot Go to A Company Where You Got an Offer

You cannot go to a company where you got an offer. Write a letter to the HR supervisor to Explain the reason why you decline the offer

  • Express you gratitude
  • Explain you like your current job very much.

You should write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir, model answer: Dear Sir,

Dear Sir,

I received your job offer letter, and thank you very much for giving me an opportunity in your esteemed organization. I reviewed the position offered, and it does sound exciting. However, I will not be able to accept your offer letter at this time.

Currently, I am working in ABC Company, and I am working on one of my dream projects there at the moment. So, I am enjoying the job and the work culture in my company. Apart from that, I recently got promoted in this organization which is a privilege for me and has also given me some additional perks. Therefore, I am very much delighted to be working at my current job for now.

I will contact you in future, and if, at that time, our needs are met, I will be very happy to work for your organization. Thank you very much for considering me for this position.


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