Write a Letter to The Principal of Your School and Explain that The Course (1)

Write a Letter to The Principal of Your School and Explain that The Course

You are doing an evening course. Write a letter to the Principal of your school and explain that the course that you are taking is slightly different in the way it is delivered from what the school offers. In your letter

Provide the details of the course.
Explain what the problem is
Give some suggestions to fix the problem

Dear Principal,

I am a student currently enrolled in the Business Administration evening course at your school. I am registered for the course that started in the fall of this year, and we are currently on the second topic. I have waited to send this email because I was hoping that there would be a change in the way the course is delivered. This is because it is different from what was stated in the course programme.

According to the course prospectus, it states that the course will be interactive with theoretical and practical sessions, which means that we would be made to practice and use real-life situations for better understanding. But unfortunately, we have only had theoretical sessions and no practical sessions. This has made it difficult to relate the course to real-life situations.

I suggest that the lecturer should set out some time for more practical sessions. This will enable the students- myself inclusive of practising and have a better understanding, especially when transferring this knowledge to the workplace.

Yours sincerely,

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