The Graphs Indicate the Source of Complaints About the Bank of America (1)

The Graphs Indicate the Source of Complaints About the Bank of America

The graphs indicate the source of complaints about the bank of America and the amount of time it takes to have the complaints resolved. Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words

The graphs indicate the source of complaints about the bank of America

Sample Answer of The graphs indicate the source of complaints about the bank of America

The given bar graph depicts information about the listing kind of complaints which is given by a native of Australia while Pak graph represents the time to take a risk issues

Overall it can be clearly seen that the public add more issues to be sold near and it took a long time to resolve the problems in working here.

It is vividly clear that larger of my covered by the public complaints which are 63% another issue was given by insurance companies to bank some person term of objections were adjusted by the media and bank employees apart from this company agency contribute in this box 11% which is 1% IMO by a native of out-of-state negligible ratio was developed to it which is only 2% by others.

In 2001 more than six months took to take out these issues which are followed by two thousand after this approximately five months were completed to investigate the data to final action is taken by after 425 months from 2000 to 2003

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