Talk About a Decision Made by Someone but You Disagreed

Talk About a Decision Made by Someone but You Disagreed

Talk About a Decision Made by Someone but You Disagreed: You should say:

  • What the decision was?
  • How was it made?
  • What you disagreed with?
  • And explain why you disagreed with it?

Sample 1 Talk About a Decision Made by Someone but You Disagreed

There was a time when my close friend decided to quit his job and start his own business. He had been working as a senior executive in a multinational company for several years and was getting good pay, benefits, and job security. However, he was feeling unfulfilled and wanted to pursue his passion for entrepreneurship.

He made the decision after careful consideration and planning. He had developed a detailed business plan, researched the market, and had some initial investors lined up. He had also spoken to a few successful entrepreneurs and received positive feedback and encouragement.

While I respected his decision and admired his courage, I disagreed with it. I believed that starting a new business was risky and uncertain, especially in the early stages when there is no guarantee of success. I was concerned that he might lose his savings, reputation, and career prospects if things did not work according to him. Moreover, he had a family to support, and quitting a stable job would put them at risk.

I tried to convince him to reconsider his decision and explore other options that could help him achieve his goals without taking such a big risk. However, he was determined to go ahead with his plan, and I had to respect his choice.

Looking back, I realized that my disagreement was based on my fear and experience about entrepreneurship rather than a genuine concern for my friend’s well-being. I had seen many failed startups and heard horror stories about the challenges and hardships of running a business. However, I failed to recognize the potential benefits and opportunities that entrepreneurship could bring, such as financial independence, personal growth, and social impact.

In conclusion, while I disagreed with my friend’s decision to quit his job and start his own business, I respected his choice and supported him throughout his journey. I learned that sometimes, we need to challenge our own biases and assumptions and embrace uncertainty and change to pursue our dreams and ambitions.

Sample 2 Talk About a Decision Made by Someone but You Disagreed

Recently, a decision was made by my boss to restructure our department and shift some of the responsibilities to other teams. The decision was made in a meeting with our boss, a few senior managers, and some representatives from other teams. I disagreed with the decision as it would have a negative impact on our team’s productivity and morale.

The decision was to shift the responsibility of managing a certain project to a team in a different department. This decision was made because the other team was considered to have more expertise in that area. However, I knew that the project had already been in progress in our department for several months, and our team had put in a lot of effort and resources into it. Also, the team that was going to take over the project had its own responsibilities to handle, and I was worried that it would not have the bandwidth to handle this project efficiently.

During the meeting, I expressed my concerns, but my boss did not seem to consider them. He was more focused on the expertise of the other team and the cost savings that would result from the shift. I tried to present some data to back up my point of view, but it did not seem to make any difference.

I disagreed with the decision because I felt that our team’s hard work was being undervalued and that the decision would have a negative impact on our morale. Also, I believed that the other team would not be able to handle the project as efficiently as our team, which could lead to delays and other issues.

In conclusion, while I respect my boss’s decision-making authority, I disagreed with this particular decision because I believed that it was not in the best interest of our department. I hope that in the future, decisions will be made after considering all the factors involved, including the impact on teams and individuals, to ensure that the best outcome is achieved.

Follow ups of I am writing to express my keen

Question 1:- What skills are necessary when making decisions?

Answer – Some important skills that are necessary when making decisions include the ability to analyze information, weigh options and alternatives, think critically and logically, and anticipate potential outcomes. Additionally, effective decision-making often requires good communication skills, the ability to collaborate with others, and the capacity to adapt to changing circumstances. The combination of these skills helps individuals make well-informed decisions that are more likely to lead to successful outcomes.

Question 2:- How do you think computers will change the way people make decisions?

Answer – Computers are already changing the way people make decisions. With the help of advanced algorithms and machine learning, computers can analyze vast amounts of data to provide insights and recommendations. This can save time and improve accuracy, but it also raises concerns about privacy and the potential for biases in algorithms. As technology continues to develop, it is likely that computers will become even more involved in decision-making processes, but human judgment and critical thinking skills will still be necessary to interpret and act on the information provided by computers.

Question 3:- How can people improve their decision-making skills?

Answer – People can improve their decision-making skills by first acknowledging the importance of decision-making and understanding the consequences of their decisions. It is important to gather as much information as possible and analyze it thoroughly before making a decision. One can also seek advice from others, learn from past experiences, and practice decision-making regularly. Developing good communication skills, self-awareness, and critical thinking can also contribute to improving decision-making skills. Finally, it is important to be confident in one’s decisions while remaining open to feedback and being willing to make adjustments if necessary.

Question 4:- Do parents in India allow their children to make important decisions about the future?

Answer – In India, it depends on the family and their traditions. Some parents in India allow their children to make important decisions about their future, such as what they want to study or their career path. However, in more traditional families, parents tend to have a greater say in their children’s decisions. Ultimately, it varies from family to family and their cultural and societal values.

Question 5:- Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?

Answer – Parents have a crucial role to play in guiding their children’s decisions. However, it’s important to strike a balance between making decisions for children and allowing them to make their own decisions. Parents should provide their children with the necessary resources and support to make informed decisions. Encouraging children to think critically, weigh their options, and consider the consequences of their decisions can help them develop essential decision-making skills. Ultimately, children should be given the freedom to make their own decisions, with parents acting as a guiding force rather than imposing their own decisions on them.

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About manjeet singh 363 Articles
I'm Manjeet, an experienced teacher of IELTS with experience in teaching students how to grasp this English language. My journey to academic excellence began at the world-renowned LPU JalandharUniversity, where I obtained my bachelor's degree of English and Education. This fueled my love of teaching and exploration of the language. I am a specialist in creating individualized educational plans that do not only focus on achieving top IELTS scores, but also at developing a passion for language learning and the English language.