In the Last Decade, There Has Been a Great Increase in The Number and Variety of Online Courses (3) (1)

In the Last Decade, There Has Been a Great Increase in The Number and Variety of Online Courses

In the last decade, there has been a great increase in the number and variety of online courses available to adults. This has been welcomed as a great opportunity by many students. However, other students see these courses as less effective than classroom teaching. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying an online course?

Education is the chief- defence of every nation, and it cannot be measured but treasured. Most people consider that there are various e-courses available for adults is beneficial, but others contradict themselves by saying that classroom teaching is better rather than online studies for the pupils. In this essay, I will be discussed the merits and demerits in the following paragraphs.

To commence with, there are many benefits of online courses for students. First and foremost is that due to global village, everyone has been connected with technology. There are a variety of courses available on the internet according to their taste. This helps the students to choose a better course for their future. Online courses provided them with both visual and auditory applications, which make learning easier and assuming for the individuals. With the passage of time, these courses are developed with new software applications. For instance, students of geography and cartography are at ways thrilled to see the earth on screen with the help of google earth. Moreover, students can study from overseas colleges and universities, which reduces not only the wastage of time but also homesickness. Owing to this, students can get loads of information related to any subject and enriches their knowledge and improve their academic performance.

However, the flaws cannot be underestimated. These e-courses may cause harm to the body of children. It is scientifically proven that excessive use of the internet may damage their eyes and cause muscular disorders. Also, long hours on the internet might mean a lack of social interaction, which affect the other qualities such as confidence, corporation and coordination among students, and they become an introverted person. Furthermore, sometimes, students correlate these courses with anti-social activities, which leads to distracting them from studies and glued pupils suffering from many diseases such as obesity, diabetes and heart stroke. So, the young generation is to be saved from physical and psychological problems that come about extreme behaviour.

In conclusion, although there are many advantages of online courses which provide then online job opportunities, their disadvantages cannot be neglected as they distract them from their studies. It all depends upon the user how they perceive things according to their desires.

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