# explanation of IELTS exam overall and some tips
IELTS has 4 modules,
Practice hard and don’t get stress up in any of the IELTS modules.
Speaking exam is always been separate from the other three.
Speaking is approx about 10-15min in real exam.
There are 3 sub-parts in the speaking exam,
🔸Introduction: Rapid fire- (it’s about self details, likes & dislikes as per examiner asks).
🔸Cue card- (it’s about, the examiner will give you a topic and give student 1-2min to think on it and the student has to speak on that topic very relevantly till examiner don’t stop student. Normally here students have to speak for about approx 5min.).
🔸Follow Up- (it’s about, your previous introduction&cue card, here examiner will ask you few questions, about 6-8 max. questions and student questions have to answer them precisely, short & relevant answers). Like c cue card on Historical Building
I would suggest you keep reading the English newspaper, listen to BBC new Chanel, read 2-3 pages of the dictionary every day. these all will help you in overall all modules and improve your word power.
also For speaking after use ANY speaking and all vocabulary for reference and then make own notes and prepare your own topic and speak in front of the mirror for 2-3 mins. But don’t do parrot-reading/ Memorise topics from the speaking book or any other materials, prepare own. Because If you speak the same they will know you’ve memorized the answer. Most imp speaking tip: BE CHATTY/TALKATIVE with relevant answers. speak as if you’re speaking to a friend. Speak at length, especially in the cue card section. Don’t worry about um um much but try to avoid it as much as you can and if you stuck or didn’t herd question properly you definitely can ask it again with polite gesture such as “pardon/repeat please,etc.. but make sure that you don’t have enough time to overcome that so understand and answer quickly and confidently. If you don’t speak complex sentences or high English than better to speak correct and simple English because the examiner will mark you on your grammar, word power, understanding, fluency, body language/gesture & presentation of speech and all answers.
So in Speaking be calm and relax. follow us on Twitter
🔸It’s for 30min + 10min to transfer answers in the main answer-sheet.
🔸listening has 4 parts and a total of 40 questions.
🔸 in any of the part in my comes to fill in the blanks, map, true/false, select from given options(MCQ), etc.
🔸tip:- in the main answer sheet write all answers in the capital.
🔸It’s for 1hr.
🔸Reading has totally 3 paragraphs of different topics. And a total of 40 questions.
🔸So students have to manage timing here, 15 min for each paragraph.
🔸So everything will finish in 45 min and in the last 15 min candidate can recheck, if anything and transfer answers in the main answer-sheet.
🔸tip:- in the main answer sheet write all answers in the capital.
🔸It for 1hr, including both Essay & graph/letter.
🔸So candid can manage timings accordingly, generally for essay 40min and for Graph/Letter 20min.
Writing has 2 subparts,
For ACADEMIC: Essay & Graph.
For GENERAL: Essay & Letter.
🔸The following structure is very important. Intro para1 para2 and conclusion. You need to back up your idea with facts and details very precisely. You must give an appropriate example of each para. If you aren’t sure about the spelling, you’re better off not writing it. Complex sentences help so don’t write simple language but only if you are confident and understand that. Never repeat the same word again in your essay, Use synonyms but also make sure the examiner must understand your motive & meanings.
🔸The essay weighs twice as many marks as a letter, so don’t spend more time on the letter.
Its 20(letter):40(essay) time allocation ratio.
If you have time for proofreading will be good at the end, so manage timings accordingly.
Don’t write too much or stretch the topic but write good and relevant points only.
Careful about word limits.
🔸For writing, you must read different types of essays to improve ideas and understand the structure of different essay types.
In an essay which can be about positive-negative / benefits-drawbacks & explaining 2sides !! candidate can plan totally 4 paragraphs,
1st: overall about the essay,
2nd: benefits/positive,
3rd: drawbacks/negative,
4th: own opinion & lastly general moral.
🔸Tip: For essay, there is a word limit of 250 words so candid can max. write 10-20% extra means 275-300words only and it’s favorable as well for the candidate.
Write to the point, no need to stretch the same point in different ways.
In any graph which can be a pie chart, bar chart, line chart, table chart, etc..
candidate can plan totally 4 paragraphs,
1st: overall about graph,
2nd: comparison of 2,
3rd: comparison of another 2,
4th: opinion & what can be the outcome of that graph in general.
In the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs, comparisons can be between, high-low, positive-negative, genders, ratios, percentage, increases-decrease, acceptance-rejection,etc….
🔸Tip: For graphs, there is a word limit of 150 words so candid can max. write 10-20% extra means 175-200words only and it’s favorable as well for the candidate.
Write to the point, no need to stretch the same point in different ways.
In any letter which can be formal, semi-formal, casual, etc.
candidate can plan totally 4 paragraphs,
Dear/ Respected, Sir/Madam/friend’s name.
1st – Say why you are writing to them. (I am writing with regard to…)
2nd – main body1 – write the main motive and important details of the topic. And continue it in para.3
3rd – the main body2, write the main motive and important details of the topic.
4th – other detailed point and supporting details
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
[Your Full Name]candidate can write any name or ABC…
🔸Tip: For a letter, there is a word limit of 150 words so candid can max. write 10-20% extra means 175-200words only and it’s favorable as well for the candidate.
Write to the point, no need to stretch the same point in different ways.
🔴common tips overall:
🔸To improve more in IELTS, the candidate can keep read English newspaper, listen to BBC new Chanel, and get speaking topics, read them 2-3 time and than make answer by your self and try to speak in front of the mirror just like the exam. It will really boost your confidence in speaking and also helpful in other modules too.
🔸go through new vocabulary.
It will really boost your confidence in all 4 modules.
🔵Separate tips for Listening and reading:
The practice is the key to success. The more you practice the more you’ll be able to score. Take the print out of listening tests and write in question paper as if its a real test. Then give yourself 10 mins to transfer answers to a sheet.
Then check thoroughly.
Capitalization is very important so pay attention to them.
In reading and listening do write all answers in “CAPITAL FORM”.
Now tally answers and see where you went wrong.
Must sure you do not repeat the same mistake again. Your score will improve gradually, not overnight. Its a rather long process. Practice practice and more practice. For self-confidence and practice, At least writes 2-3 full exam in a day if you can manage or if working then at least 1 exam in a day.
Hope all these will help in practicing IELTS,
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