Describe a website which helped you to do something

Describe a Website Which Helped You to Do Something

Describe a website which helped you to do something / website you visit often/ use regularly

  • Which site is it?
  • How did you know about it?
  • How it helped?
  • Wy do you visit it often?

Sample 1 Describe a website which helped you to do something.

The website that has been an invaluable resource to me as an IELTS student is I found out about this website while searching for IELTS practice materials and have used it regularly ever since.

The website has a wealth of resources that have helped me improve my English language skills, particularly in reading, writing, and speaking. One of the site’s most useful features is the large collection of practice tests and exercises designed to simulate the IELTS exam. These practice tests have helped me to develop my test-taking skills and to become more comfortable with the format and structure of the IELTS exam.

In addition to the practice tests, the website also provides helpful tips and strategies for each section of the exam. The tips cover everything from time management to how to effectively answer different types of questions, and they have been instrumental in improving my overall performance on the IELTS exam.

One of the reasons I visit regularly is the website’s blog section. The blog posts cover a wide range of topics related to the IELTS exam, including grammar and vocabulary tips, test-taking strategies, and advice for different types of questions. The blog posts are well-written and informative, and they have helped me to stay motivated and engaged in my IELTS studies.

Another reason I find the website so helpful is the community section, which allows students to connect with each other and share their experiences and tips. This section is an excellent resource for support and inspiration, and it has helped me feel more connected to other IELTS students worldwide.

In summary, is a fantastic resource for anyone preparing to take the IELTS exam. The practice tests, tips and strategies, blog posts, and community section have all been instrumental in improving my language skills and increasing my confidence in taking the IELTS exam. I highly recommend this website to IELTS students seeking high-quality resources and support.

Sample 2 Describe a website which helped you to do something. is a website I visit regularly and use for various purposes. I first became familiar with Amazon when I was looking for an online retailer to purchase a book. I found Amazon to be convenient, reliable and competitively priced, and I have been a loyal customer ever since.

One of the main ways that Amazon has helped me is by providing access to a vast selection of products, including books, electronics, household goods, and more. I can easily find what I am looking for, compare prices, and read reviews from other customers before purchasing. This has saved me time and money and has also allowed me to explore new products and brands that I might not have otherwise discovered.

Another way that Amazon has helped me is by providing fast and reliable delivery options. As an Amazon Prime member, I can receive free two-day shipping on eligible items, which is incredibly convenient for when I need something quickly. I have also occasionally used Amazon’s one-day shipping option and have always been impressed with how quickly the items are delivered.

In addition to the shopping experience, Amazon has also helped me in other ways. For example, I frequently use Amazon’s streaming service, Amazon Prime Video, to watch movies and TV shows. The service is easy to use, has a wide selection of content, and is included with my Prime membership at no additional cost.

Lastly, I find myself visiting Amazon regularly for the convenience and ease of the shopping experience. I can quickly and easily order products from my computer or phone, track my orders, and receive notifications about new products or deals. The website is user-friendly and intuitive, and the customer service is excellent.

In conclusion, has been an invaluable resource for me, providing access to a wide selection of products, fast and reliable delivery options, convenient streaming services, and an overall excellent shopping experience. It has saved me time and money and has made my life easier in countless ways.

Follow-Up Questions Describe a website which helped you to do something.

Question 1:- What are your country’s most popular and least popular apps?

In India, the most popular apps typically facilitate communication and social networking. WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram are all extremely popular, as well as the video-sharing app TikTok( Before it was banned). E-commerce apps such as Amazon and Flipkart are also widely used. On the other hand, less popular apps in India might include those specific to other regions, such as China or the United States, or those not compatible with the Indian market. Additionally, apps that require a lot of data or storage may be less popular due to the limitations of mobile devices and internet connectivity in some areas.

Question 2:- What is the difference between the internet and the TV?

The internet and the TV are two different mediums of communication that serve different purposes. The TV is a one-way communication channel that delivers broadcasted content to the audience. At the same time, the internet is a two-way communication channel that allows users to interact with each other and access a vast array of information. Unlike the TV, the internet enables users to engage in real-time communication, share information, and access a diverse range of content beyond what is offered on traditional TV networks. While both mediums have unique benefits, the internet offers a much more interactive and personalized experience than the TV.

Question 3:- Why do some people like to read news on the internet instead of getting it from TV?

There are several reasons why some people prefer to read news on the internet rather than get it from TV. Firstly, the internet provides users with greater flexibility and control over the content they consume, allowing them to access news from various sources and customize their news feeds according to their interests. Secondly, the internet enables users to access news in real-time, whereas TV news is often delayed and broadcast at specific times. Additionally, the internet offers more in-depth coverage and analysis of news events, with the ability to provide multimedia content such as videos, images, and interactive features. Finally, the internet allows users to engage with news content through comments, feedback, and social media sharing, creating a more interactive and engaging news experience.

Question 4:- Are libraries still beneficial? Why or why not?

Libraries are still beneficial today despite the growing availability of digital resources. Libraries provide a wide range of educational, cultural, and social benefits to individuals and communities. They offer access to physical and digital collections of books, journals, databases, and multimedia materials. Libraries also provide a safe and welcoming space for people to learn, socialize, and participate in various programs and events. In addition, libraries serve as a hub for community development by offering various services such as literacy and language programs, job search support, and access to technology. Overall, libraries are still essential resources that play a critical role in fostering a knowledgeable, informed, and connected society.

Question 5:- What kinds of people still like to study at the library?

People from all walks of life still enjoy studying at the library. These include students of all ages, researchers, academics, professionals, and members of the general public. Students often use the library as a quiet space to study, conduct research, and access course materials. Researchers and academics utilize the library’s vast collection of resources to support their work and collaborate with others. Professionals and members of the public may also use the library for job training, access to technology, and community events. Overall, the library remains an essential resource for anyone seeking knowledge, learning, or personal enrichment.

Question 6:- What is the difference between the old and young in regard to internet use?

There are some key differences between old and young individuals in regard to internet use. Younger people tend to use the internet more frequently and for a wider range of activities, including social media, online gaming, and streaming services. On the other hand, older individuals may use the internet primarily for information gathering, communication, and e-commerce. Additionally, younger individuals are more likely to use mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets to access the internet. In comparison, older individuals are more likely to use desktop or laptop computers. However, as technology becomes more accessible and user-friendly, these differences may become less pronounced over time.

Question 7:- Can the internet help children in their studies?

Yes, the internet can be a valuable tool to help children in their studies. The internet offers access to a wide range of educational resources, such as digital textbooks, online learning platforms, and research databases. Children can also use the internet to communicate with teachers and classmates, access educational videos and games, and participate in virtual classrooms. Additionally, the internet offers opportunities for children to learn about the world, explore new ideas, and develop digital literacy skills that will be useful throughout their lives. However, it is important to ensure that children use the internet safely and responsibly and that their use of the internet is balanced with other forms of learning and social interaction.

Question 8:- Will downloading music or movies for free cause a problem?

Yes, downloading music or movies for free can cause a number of problems. Firstly, it is illegal and may result in legal action being taken against the person downloading the content. Secondly, downloading free content can expose the user to security risks such as viruses and malware, which can damage their device or compromise their personal information. Additionally, downloading free content can deprive creators of their rightful compensation, harming the artistic industries and limiting the creation of new content. Overall, it is important to obtain digital content through legal means to avoid legal, security, and ethical issues.

Question 9:- Some people say that different age groups have different tastes in internet content. What do you think?

I believe different age groups indeed have different tastes in internet content. Younger people tend to use the internet for socializing, entertainment, and gaming, while older individuals may use it more for information gathering, communication, and e-commerce. This is due to a range of factors, such as differences in life stage, cultural influences, and technological experience. However, it is important to note that these differences are not absolute, and many individuals of all ages have diverse interests and habits when it comes to internet use. Overall, understanding age-related differences in internet use can help us design more effective and engaging online experiences for people of all ages.

Question 10:- What influence can (or does) the internet have on children?

The internet can have both positive and negative influences on children. On the positive side, the internet offers a wealth of educational resources, such as digital textbooks, online learning platforms, and research databases, that can support children’s academic development. The internet can also provide opportunities for social connection, creativity, and exploration. However, the internet can also expose children to inappropriate content, online predators, cyberbullying, and other risks. Additionally, excessive internet use can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, negatively impacting physical health and social development. Therefore, it is important to ensure that children use the internet safely, responsibly, and in moderation, with appropriate guidance and supervision.

Question 11:- What kind of people don’t use the internet, and what are the disadvantages that those people suffer because they don’t use the internet?

A variety of people do not use the internet, including elderly individuals, people in low-income or rural areas, and those who prefer to maintain their privacy. The disadvantages of not using the internet can include limited access to information, resources, and services that are increasingly available only online. This can include online shopping, banking, and telemedicine, which can make daily life more convenient and efficient. Additionally, not using the internet can limit social connections and opportunities for communication, which can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Moreover, digital literacy and computer skills are becoming essential in many industries, so not using the internet may also limit employment opportunities. Overall, while some people choose not to use the internet for personal or other reasons, it is important to recognize that not using the internet can create challenges and limitations in various areas of life.