Describe a Time when Someone Asked for Your Opinion

Describe a Time when Someone Asked for Your Opinion

Describe a time when someone asked for your opinion. You should say:

Sample 1:- Describe a time when someone asked for your opinion.

One instance where someone asked for my opinion was when a friend of mine was deciding which university to attend. She knew I had studied abroad before and was curious to know my thoughts on the matter.

My friend wanted to know my opinion because she was struggling to choose between two universities, both of which offered great programs in her field of study. She wanted to make the best decision for her future but felt torn between the two options.

After considering the pros and cons of each university, I recommended that she choose the one that offered more practical experience through internships and co-op programs. I explained that this would give her an edge in the job market and help her gain real-world experience in her field.

When my friend asked for my opinion, I felt flattered that she valued my input. I also felt a sense of responsibility to offer sound advice, knowing that her decision would significantly impact her future. At the same time, I was careful not to be too prescriptive or make the decision for her but rather offer my perspective and reasoning behind my recommendation.

Overall, being asked for my opinion made me feel appreciated and respected as a friend, and I was glad that I could provide some guidance to help my friend make an informed decision.

Sample 2:- Describe a time when someone asked for your opinion.

One time when someone asked for my opinion was when my boss was considering changing the company’s marketing strategy. She wanted to know my thoughts because I had experience in digital marketing, and she valued my input as a marketing team member.

My boss wanted to know my opinion because she was considering a new approach to our marketing efforts and wanted feedback from the team before making a decision. She recognized that I had expertise in the field and wanted to hear my thoughts on the matter.

After reviewing the proposed changes and considering our target audience, I recommended that we focus on social media advertising to reach our target demographic. I explained that social media platforms had a large user base and provided sophisticated targeting options to reach specific audiences.

When my boss asked for my opinion, I felt valued and appreciated as a member of the team. I was also excited to share my thoughts and contribute to the company’s decision-making process. It was a great opportunity to showcase my skills and demonstrate my value to the organization.

Overall, I was pleased that my boss asked for my opinion and felt that my input was taken seriously. Knowing that my expertise was recognized and my recommendations were considered in the decision-making process was a great feeling.

Follow-Up Questions:- Describe a time when someone asked for your opinion.

Question 1:- Why do some people dislike giving their opinions?

Some people may dislike giving their opinions for a variety of reasons. They may fear being judged or criticized for their views, or they may be unsure of their knowledge or expertise on the topic at hand. Others may worry about causing conflict or offending others with their opinions. Additionally, some individuals may simply prefer to keep their thoughts to themselves and avoid potential confrontation or disagreement. Overall, a reluctance to give one’s opinion can stem from a variety of personal and social factors.

Question 2:- Are there any apps designed for collecting opinions about products or services?

Yes, there are many apps that are designed to collect opinions about products or services. These apps typically allow users to share their thoughts and experiences with a particular product or service through reviews, ratings, or surveys. Some popular examples of opinion collection apps include Yelp, TripAdvisor, and SurveyMonkey. These apps are commonly used by businesses to gather feedback from their customers and improve their offerings, as well as by consumers to make informed purchasing decisions based on the opinions of others.

Question 3:- Why do people like to express their opinions on the Internet nowadays?

There are several reasons why people like to express their opinions on the Internet nowadays. Firstly, the Internet provides a platform for individuals to share their thoughts with a wider audience and to connect with like-minded individuals. Additionally, expressing opinions online can be a way for individuals to feel heard and validated, especially if they have limited opportunities to do so in their offline lives. Finally, the anonymity of the Internet can make it easier for individuals to express controversial or unpopular opinions without fear of negative consequences or social backlash. Overall, the Internet offers a unique and powerful space for individuals to share their opinions and engage in meaningful discussions with others.

Question 4:- What are the disadvantages of sharing opinions on the Internet?

There are several disadvantages to sharing opinions on the Internet. Firstly, the anonymity of the Internet can lead to a lack of accountability for individuals, who may be more likely to engage in hurtful or inappropriate behaviour. Additionally, the Internet can be a breeding ground for misinformation and “fake news,” leading to the spread of harmful or inaccurate opinions. Finally, sharing opinions online can also lead to harassment, bullying, or other negative consequences, especially if the opinions are controversial or unpopular. Overall, while the Internet offers a powerful platform for sharing opinions, it also carries significant risks and drawbacks.

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