Describe a Person You Would Like to Study or Work With

Describe a Person You Would Like to Study or Work With

Describe a person you would like to study or work with

  • Who is that person?
  • Why would you like to study with him/her
  • What will you learn?

Sample 1 Describe a person you would like to study or work with

I want to study with Dr Jane Goodall, a world-renowned primatologist, anthropologist, and environmental activist. Dr Goodall is best known for her extensive research on chimpanzees, which began in the 1960s and has since expanded to include work in over 30 countries.

I admire Dr Goodall’s dedication to studying and advocating for the natural world and her commitment to social and environmental justice. I believe that studying with her would offer a unique opportunity to learn from someone who has devoted her entire career to positively impacting the world.

If I were to study with Dr Goodall, I would want to focus on the intersections of environmental science and social justice. In particular, I would be interested in exploring the ways in which conservation efforts can also support and uplift local communities. I believe that Dr Goodall’s work in developing sustainable livelihoods for communities living near chimpanzee habitats through initiatives like the Jane Goodall Institute’s Roots & Shoots program is an excellent example of how environmental conservation and social justice can be pursued simultaneously.

In addition to her expertise in primatology and environmental science, Dr Goodall is also an excellent communicator and educator. I would love to learn from her how to effectively communicate scientific findings and advocate for environmental causes to a wider audience. I think her ability to engage people of all ages and backgrounds in conversations about conservation and sustainability is particularly impressive.

Overall, I believe that studying with Dr Jane Goodall would be an incredibly enriching experience. Her expertise, commitment to social and environmental justice, and communication skills would offer invaluable insights into how we can work to create a more sustainable and equitable world.

Sample 2 Describe a person you would like to study or work with

One person I would like to study and work with is Elon Musk, the entrepreneur, inventor, and founder of companies like SpaceX and Tesla. I am fascinated by his visionary thinking, his willingness to take risks, and his drive to push the boundaries of what is possible.

If I were to study with Elon Musk, I would want to focus on the intersection of technology and sustainability. I believe that his companies are at the forefront of the movement towards a more sustainable future, and I would love to learn from him how these technologies can be applied in practical ways to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges, such as climate change and energy access.

In addition to his technical expertise, I am also interested in studying Musk’s leadership style. He has a reputation for being a demanding and exacting boss but also for inspiring fierce loyalty and dedication from his employees. I would like to understand how he cultivates a culture of innovation and excellence and how he motivates his teams to pursue ambitious goals.

Finally, I am also drawn to Musk’s vision for the future of space exploration. His company, SpaceX, is working towards the goal of sending humans to Mars, and I think this is a tremendously exciting and inspiring ambition. If I were to study with Musk, I would want to learn more about the technical challenges involved in making this goal a reality, as well as the broader social, political, and ethical implications of expanding our presence beyond Earth.

In summary, I would like to study and work with Elon Musk because I believe he is one of the most visionary and innovative thinkers of our time. I am inspired by his dedication to making the world a better place through technology and his ability to think beyond the limits of what is currently possible. If given the opportunity, I would want to learn from him about the technical, leadership, and societal aspects of building a sustainable and exciting future.

Follow-Up Questions Describe a person you would like to study or work with

Question 1:- What kind of people do you like to study or work with?

I prefer to study and work with people who are knowledgeable, patient, and supportive. I find that working with individuals who have a deep understanding of the subject matter can help me to improve my own understanding and develop my skills more effectively. Furthermore, I appreciate working with people who are patient and willing to take the time to explain complex concepts in a way that is accessible to me. Finally, I value colleagues and mentors who are supportive and encouraging and who are willing to provide constructive feedback to help me improve my work.

Question 2:- Do you think managers can be friends with their subordinates?

I believe that managers can have friendly relationships with their subordinates, but there are limitations to this kind of relationship. While having a positive working relationship with one’s manager can be helpful, it is important to maintain appropriate boundaries in the workplace. Managers are responsible for maintaining a professional distance from their subordinates to ensure that they can provide constructive feedback and make impartial decisions. However, friendly and respectful interactions can still be beneficial and help to create a positive work environment.

Question 3:- Which one is more important for you at work, the development of work-related skills or the recognition from your supervisor?

I believe that both developments in work-related skills and recognition from my supervisor are important at work, but if I had to choose one, I would prioritize development in work-related skills. While it can be motivating to receive recognition from one’s supervisor, ultimately, the ability to grow and develop one’s skills will enable long-term success and career advancement. In addition, improving one’s skills can lead to a greater sense of personal fulfilment and satisfaction with one’s work, which can be more meaningful in the long run than external recognition.

Question 4:- Should children be allowed to choose whom they want to sit with, or should it be decided by the teacher? Should children be allowed to choose their classmates?

I believe that children should be allowed to have some say in who they sit with and who their classmates are, but ultimately the teacher should make the decision. Allowing children to choose their own seating arrangements or classmates can be beneficial in fostering positive social connections and a sense of autonomy in the classroom. However, it is important for the teacher to ensure that the choices are appropriate and inclusive and that every child has an opportunity to participate in the decision-making process. Ultimately, the teacher is responsible for creating a safe and productive learning environment, which may require some control over seating arrangements and class composition.

Question 5:- Should children be involved in school management activities?

I believe that children should be given some opportunities to be involved in the management activities of the school, but the level of involvement should be appropriate for their age and development. Children can benefit from opportunities to have their voices heard and to participate in decision-making processes that affect their education and well-being. However, it is important for the school to provide guidance and support to ensure that the children’s involvement is meaningful and productive. Ultimately, the primary responsibility for managing the school lies with the adults, but involving children appropriately and respectfully can help foster a sense of ownership and engagement in their own education.

Question 6:- How should one behave in the office to get along well with others?

I believe that to get along well with others in the office, and one should behave professionally, respectfully, and with good communication skills. This means respecting others’ time and needs, respecting different opinions and perspectives, and being open to constructive feedback. It is also important to communicate clearly and effectively verbally and in writing and maintain a positive and cooperative attitude. This includes being a good listener, being proactive in problem-solving, and demonstrating a willingness to collaborate with colleagues. By showing consideration, respect, and good communication skills, individuals can build strong relationships with their colleagues and create a positive work environment.

Question 7:- Is it important for children in school to get along well with others?

I believe that it is extremely important for children in school to get along well with others. Positive relationships with peers and teachers can significantly impact children’s academic, social, and emotional development. By building strong relationships with others, children can feel a sense of belonging and social connectedness, which can lead to increased confidence and self-esteem. Additionally, positive social relationships can help children to develop important social and emotional skills such as empathy, communication, and conflict resolution. Ultimately, these skills can help children to succeed not only in school but also in their future relationships and careers.

Question 8:- What kind of people are popular at work?

I believe that people who are popular at work are those who possess positive qualities and behaviours that are valued by their colleagues and superiors. Such individuals are usually respectful, approachable, and collaborative and demonstrate a positive attitude towards their work and others. They have good communication and problem-solving skills, are reliable and dependable, and take the initiative in their work. Additionally, they are team players, always willing to help others and work towards the organisation’s common goals. Overall, popular people at work are respected and valued by others and make positive contributions to the work environment.