The System Used for Rubbish/garbage Collection in Your Local Area Is Not Working Correctly

The System Used for Rubbish/garbage Collection in Your Local Area Is Not Working Correctly

The System Used for Rubbish/garbage Collection in Your Local Area Is Not Working Correctly. This Is Causing Problems for You and Your Neighbours. Write a Letter to The Local Council. in Your Letter

  • Describe how The Rubbish Collection System Is Not Working Correctly.
  • Explain how This Is Affecting You and Your Neighbours.
  • Suggest What Should Be Done About the Problem.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my concerns about the current state of the rubbish collection system in our local area. I am a resident of this community, and I have noticed that the system is not functioning correctly, causing problems for my neighbours and me.

To begin with, the collection service is not regular, and the garbage bins are often overflowing with waste. This is causing the streets to be littered with trash, creating an unpleasant sight and smell in the area. Moreover, the irregular collection service is causing the rubbish to pile up, which attracts rodents and other vermin to the area, creating a health hazard for the residents.

As a result, the poor waste management system is affecting the health and well-being of the community members. The stench of the garbage is unbearable, and the vermin infestations are posing severe health risks for the community members, especially for children and the elderly.

Therefore, I suggest the local council take urgent measures to address this issue. I recommend that the council increase the frequency of rubbish collection services to at least two times a week to avoid overflowing bins. Additionally, the council should provide adequate and larger containers to cater to the area’s growing population.

In conclusion, I urge the local council to take immediate action to address this issue. A clean and healthy environment is crucial for the well-being of the community members, and the current state of the rubbish collection system is affecting me, my neighbours, and the wider community.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,