Talk About an Old Person You Know and Respect (4) (1)

Talk About an Old Person You Know and Respect

Talk about an old person you know and respect

  • Who he or she is,
  • How you know this person,
  • What he or she is like,
  • why you respect him or her

Sample Answer of Talk About an Old Person You Know and Respect

Till now, I have met many geriatrics, and I also have conversations with them frequently. I do respect people belonging to any of the age groups. Here, I would like to talk about my English teacher. His name was Mr.B.K.Trivedi. Unfortunately, he is no more. He died a year ago in this covid pandemic.

He was an eminent English speaker, I saw him in one of the conferences organised in my home town, and at the same time, my friends also told me that the sir also teaches English. Then I enrolled with him and learner arcane facts about the language.

He was in his 70 when he was taking his last breath. However, he was working round the clock to spread awareness about the language, and he was a very kind, generous and approachable person.

I personally respect him much because he had not only helped me with my academics, but he also didn’t take my fees because he was aware of my family situation. He made me realise the value of a foreign language, and due to his efforts, only I’m capable enough of talking in English.

Sample Answer of Talk About an Old Person You Know and Respect

Question 1:- What qualities does a person need to have to take care of old people?

There are numerous qualities should a person have in order to take care of older people. Firstly, he should be very polite to them. Because sometimes, older people are not ready to accept the current scenarios due to the rigidity in their thoughts. Secondly, a person should look after older people and should also provide intensive care.

Question 2:- Do you think old people should be taken care of at home?

Yes, definitely. I think older people should be given care at homes as that is the place where they spend much of their time, and that’s the atmosphere which they had created. Moreover, older people are inclined towards emotional bondings. So they expect some care from their loved ones.

Question 3:- How can people in the neighbourhood help the elderly during an epidemic?

There are numerous ways in which neighbours could look after geriatrics in the epidemic. Firstly, they can cook for them as older people are not able to go out and do the shopping for themselves. In addition, neighbours can also do regular check-ups of the health of older people, and if there’s an emergency, they must call an ambulance.

Question 4:- Do you see this kind of help occurring in your neighbourhood?

Well, to be very honest, nowadays people do not help as much as past. People have become obsessed with themselves, and they don’t believe in becoming a helping hand.

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