Talk about an energetic person that you know

Talk about an energetic person that you know

Talk about an energetic person that you know

You should say
Who is this person?
How do you know this person?
Why do you think this person is energetic?
And explain how you feel about this person?

The Answer of the Cue Card Talk about an energetic person that you know

An energetic person I know to date is my mother. without a point of doubt, she will be forever too. Mother is the first best friend of anyone. we all are attached to our mothers since childhood the same way I am also too is very close to her. I often feel that she is a woman after my heart.

I have been watching her since my childhood. She is very intuitive. she has solutions to all the problems. secondly, she has a magnetic personality as anyone can be friends with her immediately. All of my bosom friends are friends of my mother too. Most importantly she deals with any situation with diligence.

the one thing she taught us is never procrastinating things. Moreover, she has green fingers as she loves to cultivate and plant and has her garden,. Her cooking abilities is a feather in her cap. She is the head of the pharmacy department works from morning 10 to evening 4. Despite such tedious works, she is always full of energy and never saw her tired.

In the future I wish to be a mother like that to my kids. in my view energy not only means active but also should withhold patience and never be shrewd to anyone. This quality I learned from her hence I feel is the most energetic person.

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