One of Your Friends Recently Had a Birthday Celebration: GT Writing Task 1

One of Your Friends Recently Had a Birthday Celebration: GT Writing Task 1

One of Your Friends Recently Had a Birthday Celebration, but You Missed It and Forgot to Tell Your Friend That You Couldn’t Attend. Write a Letter to Your Friend. in Your Letter:

  • Apologise for Missing the Birthday Celebration.
  • Explain Why You Missed It and Why You Didn’t Tell Your Friend.
  • Say What You Would Like to Do to Show You Are Sorry.

Dear Ramandeep,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to apologize for missing your birthday celebration. As well as I was looking forward to it, and I am deeply sorry that I was unable to attend.

The reason I missed your birthday is that I had a family emergency come up at the last minute. My sibling was suddenly taken ill, and I had to rush to Ludhiana. I couldn’t get in touch with you before the celebration started, and I deeply regret not being able to let you know that I wouldn’t be able to make it.

I know that my absence must have disappointed you, especially on such a special occasion. And I understand that birthdays are important for people, and I am truly sorry for any inconvenience or disappointment my absence may have caused.

I would like to take you out for a special birthday celebration to show you how sorry I am. We can go to your favourite restaurant or do something else that you would enjoy. I want to make it up to you and show you how much I value our friendship.

Please let me know if there is a convenient time and place for us to meet up. I look forward to hearing back from you and to seeing you soon.

Once again, I apologize for missing your birthday celebration and for not letting you know beforehand. I hope that you can accept my sincere apologies.

Best regards,