Information About Department and Online Stores in Australia in 2011

Information About Department and Online Stores in Australia in 2011

The table gives information about department and online stores in Australia in 2011. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Information About Department and Online Stores in Australia in 2011

Sample Answer of Information About Department and Online Stores in Australia in 2011.

The data in context to department and online stores in 2011 is demonstrated with the help of a tabular chart.

In totality, four different factors are given, namely, Number of Businesses, Profit (ADU), Sale Revenue (ADU) And growth about Department stores and online stores in Australia, 2011. Taking into account the most striking feature of the online store is the number of businesses, which were 368, whereas, Department stores were having only 67.

Moving further, the growth rate of online stores was 6%; however, departments told were having 4 percentile only. Sales revenue (ADU) Of departmental store were 13400, and online store was on 12700 with the difference of 700 in Australia, 2011. In spite of that, Online stores were having more profit Edu as compare with a departmental store which was only 863 profit range.

Thus, in Australia, 2011, online stores were on mood every term in contrast with departmental stores.

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