Having More Money and Less Free Time is Better Than

Having more money and less free time is better than earning less money and having more free time. Discuss both views and state your opinion.

Having more money and less free time is better than earning less money and having more free time. Discuss both views and state your opinion.


Individuals have different views towards money and time, many believe the time is more precious than money and some argue that money is worth more than time. I believe time can be helpful to gain money and skills. Firstly, this essay shall discuss how money plays a vital role in our daily lives; secondly, it will explain the value of time which cannot be bought.


Since the creation of human lives and their development where transactions of money have taken place. Each of us needs to exchange something in terms of buying or selling anything, so this money cycle makes us work day and night to fulfill our needs. Moreover, money is everything in the current world as we all are in the race to reach somewhere and trying to make certain amounts. Money gives us the privilege to own luxurious things which is very uncommon among certain classes of people. For instance, people own a product for their status which defines them unique among others, Indian business tycoon
Mr. Mukesh Ambani remains busy with his work and money calculation, which defines his stature among other people. Thus, money can be more worthy in the category list of times, so many people give priority to money.


On the other hand, time is the most precious commodity, which cannot be wasted on anything. At the present time, individuals understand the value of time as it cannot be bought but spent with people. We as human life once and die so we should utilize it wisely. For example, people should spend more time with their parents and friends because they are the ones who help us to solve many problems and eternal issues as money unable to buy it. Therefore, time is the most precious thing in the world before money.


To conclude, it’s really hard to maintain a balance between time and money but people should prioritize time over money.

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