Describe Something You Received for Free

Describe Something You Received for Free

Describe something you received for free

– You should say:

  • What it was
  • Who you received it from
  • Where you received it
  • And how you felt about it

Sample  1 Describe Something You Received for Free

A couple of years ago, I received a free ticket to a music festival from a friend who was unable to attend. The festival was a three-day event featuring various local and international artists, encompassing different music genres, art installations, and food vendors. It was held at a large outdoor venue on the outskirts of the city, providing an immersive and vibrant atmosphere for the attendees.

My friend, who initially purchased the ticket, had a last-minute work commitment and could no longer attend the festival. Knowing my love for music and live events, she generously offered her ticket to me, allowing me to experience the festival without any cost. She insisted that I take the ticket and enjoy the event on her behalf, as she did not want it to go to waste.

I received the ticket from her at a small gathering of friends a few days before the festival. Upon receiving the ticket, I felt a mix of excitement and gratitude. I was thrilled at the prospect of attending the music festival, as it was an opportunity to discover new artists, enjoy live performances, and immerse myself in a creative and energetic environment. At the same time, I was incredibly grateful for my friend’s generosity, as her thoughtful gesture enabled me to experience this event without the financial burden that would have been associated with purchasing a ticket.

The music festival turned out to be an unforgettable experience, filled with memorable performances, new friendships, and a profound appreciation for the power of music to unite and inspire people. The fact that I received the ticket for free made the entire event feel even more special and serendipitous, and it strengthened my bond with the friend who had so kindly gifted it to me.

Sample  2 Describe Something You Received for Free

Last year, I received a complimentary yoga class pass from a newly opened yoga studio in my neighborhood. The studio’s management was trying to promote their establishment and encourage people from the community to try out their classes and services. They distributed the free class passes to local residents as a way to showcase their offerings and create a buzz around their new business.

I received the free pass from a representative of the yoga studio who was handing them out at a nearby park. The representative was friendly and engaging, explaining the various class options and emphasizing the benefits of yoga for mental and physical well-being. Intrigued by the opportunity to try a yoga class without any cost or commitment, I gladly accepted the pass and made a mental note to visit the studio soon.

When I went to the yoga studio to redeem my free class pass, I felt a mix of excitement and curiosity. I had always been interested in exploring yoga as a way to improve my flexibility and manage stress, but I had never taken the plunge to attend a class. The complimentary pass provided the perfect incentive for me to give it a try without feeling any pressure.

After attending the free yoga class, I felt incredibly grateful for the opportunity and pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the experience. The class was challenging yet invigorating, leaving me feeling refreshed and motivated to continue exploring yoga. The free pass not only introduced me to a new form of exercise but also opened the door to a new community of like-minded individuals. The studio’s marketing strategy proved effective, as I became a regular member and a strong advocate for their classes among my friends and family.

Follow ups of Describe Something You Received for Free

Question 1 Do you think people should pay for higher education?

Answer – I think people should pay for higher education. It is an investment in their future career and earning potential, and paying for it can lead to better academic outcomes. However, policymakers should ensure that education is accessible to all, while maintaining its quality and sustainability.

Question 2 What free gifts do companies usually give to their customers?

Answer – Companies offer a wide range of free gifts to their customers as a part of their marketing and promotional strategies. These gifts could be anything from branded merchandise such as pens, keychains, or T-shirts, to trial samples of their products or discount coupons for future purchases. Some companies also offer free services such as consultations, training sessions, or webinars to their customers. Free gifts are an excellent way for companies to increase brand loyalty and customer satisfaction, as customers feel appreciated and valued when they receive something for free.

Question 3 Why do customers like to receive free gifts from companies?

Answer – Customers enjoy receiving free gifts from companies for several reasons. Firstly, it makes them feel valued and appreciated by the company, leading to a positive emotional response. Secondly, it provides customers with a tangible reminder of the company and its products, which can increase brand awareness and loyalty. Finally, free gifts can provide customers with a chance to try new products or services, leading to potential future purchases. Overall, free gifts are an effective way for companies to improve customer satisfaction and engagement.

Question 4 Do you think people should pay for higher education? Why?

Answer – I believe that higher education should not be exclusively reserved for those who can afford it. Everyone should have the opportunity to access quality education regardless of their financial status. Education is a fundamental right that is essential for personal development and societal progress. However, it is also reasonable to expect individuals to contribute towards their education, as it is an investment in their future career and earning potential. Therefore, policymakers should work towards making higher education more accessible and affordable, while also ensuring that it remains sustainable and of high quality.
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About manjeet singh 363 Articles
I'm Manjeet, an experienced teacher of IELTS with experience in teaching students how to grasp this English language. My journey to academic excellence began at the world-renowned LPU JalandharUniversity, where I obtained my bachelor's degree of English and Education. This fueled my love of teaching and exploration of the language. I am a specialist in creating individualized educational plans that do not only focus on achieving top IELTS scores, but also at developing a passion for language learning and the English language.