Describe an Ambition That You Haven't Achieved

Describe an Ambition That You Haven’t Achieved

Describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved

You should say:

– What it is
– Why you haven’t achieved it
– What you did
– And how you felt about it

Sample 1 Describe an Ambition That You Haven’t Achieved

One ambition that I have not yet achieved is to write and publish my own novel. Ever since I was a child, I have been passionate about reading and storytelling, and I have always dreamed of creating a story that would captivate readers and take them on a journey through my imagination.

There are several reasons why I have not yet achieved this goal. One of the primary reasons is the lack of time, as I have been occupied with other priorities, such as my education, career, and personal life. Additionally, writing a novel requires a considerable amount of dedication, focus, and persistence, which can be challenging to maintain amidst the demands of daily life.

Over the years, I have made various attempts to start writing my novel. I have brainstormed ideas, developed characters and plotlines, and even written a few chapters. However, I often find myself struggling with writer’s block or becoming overwhelmed by the enormity of the task, which has caused me to set the project aside temporarily.

Despite not yet achieving this ambition, I remain hopeful and determined to see it through. I feel a mixture of frustration and disappointment at times, knowing that I have not yet accomplished this long-held dream. However, I also recognize that writing a novel is a complex and time-consuming endeavor that requires patience and perseverance.

To overcome these challenges, I have started setting aside dedicated time each week to work on my novel, even if it’s just a few hours. I have also sought advice and support from fellow writers and joined a local writing group to help keep me motivated and accountable. I believe that, with persistence and a well-structured plan, I will eventually achieve my ambition of writing and publishing my own novel, and I look forward to the day when

Sample 2 Describe an Ambition That You Haven’t Achieved

An ambition that I have not yet achieved is to run a full marathon. This goal has been on my mind for several years, as I have always admired the physical and mental strength required to complete such a demanding race. I have been an avid runner for quite some time, and the idea of challenging myself to conquer a marathon has been a long-standing aspiration.

There are a few reasons why I have not yet achieved this goal. First, the demands of my professional and personal life have made it challenging to find the time and energy needed to train consistently for a marathon. Additionally, I have faced some health issues in the past that have temporarily hindered my ability to maintain a rigorous training schedule.

Despite these obstacles, I have made various efforts to work towards my ambition. I have participated in several half-marathons and shorter races to build up my endurance and gain experience. I have also researched and experimented with different training methods, sought advice from experienced marathon runners, and adjusted my diet to support my athletic endeavors.

The fact that I have not yet achieved this ambition evokes a mixture of emotions. There are moments of disappointment and frustration, as I have not been able to reach this milestone despite my passion for running. However, I also feel a sense of determination and motivation, as I believe that it is still within my grasp.

To overcome the challenges and work towards achieving this goal, I have started to prioritize my training and establish a more consistent schedule, allowing for gradual progress towards the marathon distance. I have also set a target date for participating in a specific marathon, which helps to maintain my focus and drive. I am confident that with dedication and perseverance, I will ultimately achieve my ambition of completing a full marathon, and I eagerly anticipate the sense of accomplishment that will come with crossing the finish line.

Follow ups of Describe an Ambition That You Haven’t Achieved

Question 1 What ambitions do children usually have?

Answer – Children have a wide range of ambitions and aspirations, which may evolve and change over time. Many children may dream of becoming doctors, firefighters, astronauts, or professional athletes, inspired by their interests and role models. Others may aspire to careers in the arts, such as actors, writers, or musicians. Additionally, some children may have more personal ambitions, such as traveling the world, volunteering for a cause they care about, or starting their own business. Ultimately, children’s ambitions are shaped by their unique experiences, values, and passions, and may shift as they grow and mature.

Question 2 Why are some people very ambitious in their work?

Answer – some people may be very ambitious in their work due to a range of factors, such as a desire for personal fulfillment, financial gain, or recognition. Ambitious individuals are often driven by a strong sense of purpose and motivation, and are willing to take risks and pursue their goals with determination and persistence. Additionally, ambitious people may be highly competitive and driven by a desire to excel and surpass their peers. Ultimately, ambition can be a powerful driving force in individuals’ professional lives, enabling them to achieve their full potential and make meaningful contributions to their fields.

Question 3 Why don’t some people have dreams?

Answer – some people may not have dreams due to a variety of factors. Individuals who have experienced trauma or significant life challenges may struggle with feelings of hopelessness or pessimism, which can dampen their ability to dream or set goals. Additionally, individuals who face economic or social barriers, such as poverty or discrimination, may have limited access to resources and opportunities that can enable them to pursue their dreams. Moreover, some people may simply have different priorities or perspectives, and may not place a high value on setting long-term goals or aspirations. Ultimately, the absence of dreams or aspirations can be a complex and multifaceted issue, influenced by a range of personal, social, and environmental factors.

Question 4 How do people balance work and life?

Answer – people balance work and life in different ways depending on their personal circumstances and priorities. Some people may strive for a strict separation between work and personal time, ensuring that they have designated hours for both and that they do not encroach on each other. Others may prefer to integrate work and personal life, blending the two to create a more flexible schedule that accommodates their needs. Additionally, people may prioritize certain activities or commitments, such as family time or exercise, and make sure to schedule these into their daily routine. Ultimately, achieving a balance between work and life requires individuals to prioritize their values and needs, and to make intentional choices about how to allocate their time and energy.
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About manjeet singh 363 Articles
I'm Manjeet, an experienced teacher of IELTS with experience in teaching students how to grasp this English language. My journey to academic excellence began at the world-renowned LPU JalandharUniversity, where I obtained my bachelor's degree of English and Education. This fueled my love of teaching and exploration of the language. I am a specialist in creating individualized educational plans that do not only focus on achieving top IELTS scores, but also at developing a passion for language learning and the English language.