Describe a Cafe that You like to Visit

Describe a cafe that you like to visit (6)

Describe a cafe that you like to visit

Sample Answer of Describe a Cafe that You like to Visit

When there is a cave called chennai city which is located in Chennai and it is the most important most famous cave of the Chennai and it has most of the valuable things of cafeteria like coffee chain coffee cups and coffee powder which is available there and the tea powder which was marks and important history of the Chennai city and also there is an upgrade in which happen in the in the to see in it is that every Friday we used to have when great great event called Chai Ki Patti and which has a great Applause from the Chennai people and make a lot of coverage for the life and this is a very famous theme this is for this reason I was visited this cafe for a long time and also I was very particularly visiting this cave very frequent than because of the taste of a coffee where they made and I will be very often be going by weekly twice or thrice at there and it has in great capacity of people holding the people and also the the market with the strategy of market was very good and they have good standards in rain making the market stock market strong in their market and also have a large number of insecure things but they are kept to overcome all the thing in fact they have large pop launch competition in the market.

Follow-ups Describe a Cafe that You like to Visit.

Question 1. What kind of people would like to go to a cafe?

Answer –  I would like to go with my friends to the cafeteria because they have a lot of fun with friends only with friends because we cannot go to the family into the cafeteria because of the culture was maintained in this as same and we can have a great festival theme with their conducting in the cafeteria which makes and goes with the friends so I would like to prefer to go with friends.

Question 2. Why do young people like studying in a cafe instead of at home?

Answer – It’s a very strange habit reading in a cafe instead of at their homes I believe the young people things that when they are bored with the reading, they can have a chat in the chick cafeteria which makes help in the expressing their feelings of some particular subject of thing and they board they can have some coffee as far as I’m concerned they are going for the cafeteria because of having their coffee.

Question 3. Do older people like to drink coffee?

Answer – It varies from age to age because the age people men like or may not like most of the age people like Tea much than coffee because it gives some bitter taste then Tea, so I believe the old people like Tea then coffee.

Question 4. Do Indian people like to drink coffee?

Answer – Yes, most Indian people like drinking coffee because it has some energy boost like a coffin for me which gives greater used to have to sit in work on to relieve the stress and it makes great stress for me I believe most of the people have the same feeling on the coffee.

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