Some People Say that In Our Modern Age, It Is Unnecessary to Teach Children About the Skills of Handwriting

Some People Say that In Our Modern Age, It Is Unnecessary to Teach Children About the Skills of Handwriting (3) (1)

Some people say that in our modern age, it is unnecessary to teach children about the skills of handwriting. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many believe it is of no importance for kids to learn handwriting in this present generation. In recent times, learning handwriting has become an issue among children. Some suggest that it is not necessary to teach children handwriting. This essay will discuss why I completely disagree with the idea.

The main reason children should be guided on handwriting is to have clear and nice handwriting in case of critical examination. Because many examiners have eye defects. For instance, during our school days, many of our lecturers complain of many who write” r or v”; to be very careful. Consequently, it lowers once band score. Because some examiners might have no chance to read twice before grading, in conclusion, handwriting is as clear as anything one can think of gives marker zeal to read further and award the right score.

Another reason is a having moderate to bold handwriting is good. Most children knew how to economize their books, thereby writing tiny. The teaching of bold handwriting and promise to replace the books once it fills up. For example, spacing out when writing mathematics draw a child attraction to reread what was taught; similarly, writing very tiny and rough scares the child away from reading. It results in stressing the eyes, thereby leading to eye problems.

Conclusively, although some will argue that computer has come to stay so need of handwriting. But am strongly agreed that despite the computer era, we need handwriting to be clear and bold for easy reading.

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