Describe a Time when You Helped a Child

Describe a Time when You Helped a Child (2)

Describe a time when you helped a child. You should say:-

Sample 1:- Describe a time when you helped a child.

It was during the winter break in December 2020 when I had a memorable experience helping a child with his reading skills. The child’s name was Jake, a 7-year-old boy who lived next door. Jake’s parents had mentioned to me that he was struggling with reading and asked if I could spare some time to assist him.

I decided to help Jake because I believe that every child should receive support and encouragement in their learning journey. Moreover, I was confident that my own experience as a student would enable me to connect with Jake and provide effective guidance.

To help Jake improve his reading skills, I devised a plan that involved a combination of daily reading sessions and fun activities. We began by selecting age-appropriate books that catered to his interests. I would sit with him during our reading sessions and listen as he read aloud. I patiently corrected his pronunciation and guided him through difficult words, explaining their meanings and providing examples to ensure comprehension. I also encouraged Jake to ask questions and express his thoughts about the story, which helped him engage more deeply with the text.

In addition to the reading sessions, I incorporated enjoyable activities such as word games and storytelling exercises to make the learning process more entertaining for Jake. These activities enriched his vocabulary and fostered his creativity and imagination.

Helping Jake was an incredibly rewarding experience for me. Seeing his reading skills improve and his confidence grows made me feel proud of our joint efforts. It was gratifying to know that I had positively impacted his learning journey. This experience reinforced the importance of patience, understanding, and empathy when helping others, and it made me more aware of the role that each of us can play in supporting the growth and development of the children around us.

Sample 2:- Describe a time when you helped a child.

When I was in college, I was a volunteer at a local elementary school. I would help out in the classroom, read to the students, and help with recess. One day, I was working with a group of students who were struggling with their reading. I noticed that one of the students, a young boy named Michael, was particularly struggling. He was having trouble sounding out the words, and he seemed to be getting frustrated.

I decided to take Michael aside and work with him one-on-one. I started by reading a simple book to him, and then I asked him to try to sound out the words. He was still having trouble, so I broke the words down into smaller sounds. We practised together for a while, and slowly but surely, he started to get the hang of it.

I was so proud of Michael for his progress. He had been so frustrated at first, but he kept working hard and eventually overcame his challenges. I was glad that I was able to help him, and it was a rewarding experience for me.

I believe that every child deserves the opportunity to succeed, and I am committed to helping them reach their full potential. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with Michael, and I hope he will continue to succeed in school and life.

Follow-Up Questions Describe a time when you helped a child.

Question 1:- Do you like helping others?

Answer – I will definitely help others in the future. I believe it is important to use my abilities to help others and improve the world. I am still developing, but I am learning new things every day. I hope that one day I will be able to use my knowledge and skills to help people in a meaningful way.

Question 2:- Should parents teach helping others to their children?

Answer – Absolutely, parents should teach their children to help others. This essential value fosters compassion, selflessness, and a sense of community. By teaching children to help others, parents can instil important life skills such as empathy, cooperation, and social responsibility. Additionally, children who learn to help others often experience a sense of fulfilment and purpose, which can contribute to their overall well-being. Teaching children to help others can also lead to positive changes in their behaviour and attitudes, helping them become more positive and productive members of society. Therefore, parents need to teach their children the value of helping others.

Question 3:- Do you think nowadays people do more good work as compared to the past?

Answer – It is hard to say whether people do more good work nowadays than in the past. There are certainly many examples of people doing great things to help others, but there are also many examples of people doing bad things. I think it is important to focus on the good people do and try to make a difference in the world ourselves.

Question 4:- Will you help others in the future?

Answer – Absolutely. I want to help others in any way I can. I believe I can positively impact the world by using my knowledge and skills to help people. I am always looking for new ways to help others, and I am confident that I will be able to make a difference in the future.

Question 5:- How do you encourage children to help others?

Answer – Encouraging children to help others is essential for their overall development and growth as responsible citizens. Parents and teachers can play an important role in instilling the values of kindness and empathy in children. One effective way to encourage children to help others is to involve them in community service or volunteer work. This can help children understand the needs of others and develop a sense of responsibility towards their community. Parents can also model helpful behaviour by showing kindness and volunteering. Additionally, praising children for their helpful behaviour can motivate them to continue to help others.

Question 6:- How do world social organizations such as Red Cross collect their funds worldwide?

Answer – World social organizations such as the Red Cross collect their funds worldwide through various channels. One of the primary methods is through donations from individuals and organizations. They also receive funds through government grants, contracts, fundraising events, and sponsorships. In recent years, online fundraising has become a popular method of collecting funds through social media and crowdfunding platforms. Many organizations also have partnerships with corporations and celebrities who help raise funds and awareness. Additionally, some organizations generate revenue through the sale of merchandise and products. Overall, these organizations rely on the generosity of individuals and other entities to support their work and positively impact the world.

Question 7:- Do small non-government organizations always need big organizations’ help, or can they collect funds themselves?

Answer – Small non-government organizations (NGOs) may not always need the help of big organizations to collect funds. They can utilize various fundraising methods, such as online crowdfunding platforms, community events, and donation drives, to generate funds for their projects. However, partnering with larger organizations can provide small NGOs with more resources and support to achieve their goals. Big organizations can provide funding, training, and networking opportunities, which can enhance the effectiveness and impact of small NGOs. Ultimately, the choice to seek help from larger organizations depends on each NGO’s specific needs and resources.

Question 8:- Do you think people in India should help foreigners who are visiting India and who need help?

Answer – Yes, I believe that people in India should help foreigners who are visiting and need help. Being a hospitable and welcoming country, it is important for Indians to extend a helping hand to those needing assistance. Helping visitors not only leave a positive impression on India but also promotes a sense of community and mutual respect. Whether it is providing directions, recommending places to visit or eat, or offering any other form of assistance, it is important for Indians to be kind and helpful to foreign visitors.

Question 9:- What is the most important way for a country to help foreigners who are visiting the country?

Answer – One of the most important ways for a country to help foreigners who are visiting the country is to provide them with a safe and secure environment. This includes ensuring their safety and security while they are in the country, providing them with basic needs such as food and shelter, and making them feel welcomed and comfortable. Another important way is to provide them with information about the country, its culture, customs, and traditions so that they can better understand and appreciate the place they are visiting. The country can also provide support in terms of language translation and interpretation services to make communication easier for foreigners.

Question 10:- Many people only look out for themselves and never think about helping others. What do you think of this attitude?

Answer – The attitude of only looking out for oneself and ignoring the needs of others is selfish and unproductive for both individuals and society as a whole. In today’s interconnected world, it is important to recognize that our actions have an impact on others and that we all have a responsibility to contribute to the well-being of our communities. Helping others brings positive change to society and a sense of purpose and fulfilment to individuals. Therefore, we should strive to adopt a more selfless attitude and make a conscious effort to help others whenever possible.

Question 11:- Do Indian people help others who need help, such as people in extreme poverty? (How?)

Answer – Yes, Indian people do help others who need help, especially those living in extreme poverty. There are various ways in which people in India help those in need. For example, individuals and organizations donate money, food, and clothing to charitable organizations that work with poor communities. Many also volunteer their time and skills to provide education and healthcare services to those in need. Additionally, some people engage in social activism to promote government policies that benefit the poor and marginalized communities. Helping those in need is an integral part of Indian culture and society.
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