The Table Shows the Average Length of You Tube Video Advertisements

The Table Shows the Average Length of You Tube Video Advertisements (1)

The table shows the average length of YouTube video advertisements and the average length of time viewers spend watching them. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features.

Sample Answer of The Table Shows the Average Length of You Tube Video Advertisements

The table demonstrates 11 different types of YouTube ads as well as the average time of viewers and YouTube ad’s average length; both are measured in seconds.

Overall, the public service type of ad’s length and time both are highest as compared to other while pharmaceuticals ad is on least length, the lifestyle-related ad has lowest viewers.

Public service related YouTube ad average length is 66.7 seconds which is double than other types of ads length, viewed time is also top on the table with 28.1 seconds. Technology, lifestyle, business and finance related advertisement length is between 33.7 seconds to 39.7 seconds, and Moreover average viewer time is between 14 seconds to 26.7 seconds.

21.8 seconds for Pharmaceuticals, 26.6 second retail, 23.4-second clothing and 28.7-second travel type ads length, which has average length. Additionally, 16 seconds to 20 seconds is roughly the viewer for this type of ad. Generally, 38.1 seconds is the average length of ads which is 20.4 seconds time viewed averagely.

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