Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. (1)

Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. The benefits of nuclear technology far overweigh the disadvantages.

Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer. 

sample answer:

There has always been a debated issue of whether nuclear power is beneficial or dangerous for mankind. It is argued that nuclear weapons help in maintaining peace between countries and generating energy from nuclear power plants is inexpensive and clean. While the upside of nuclear technology far outweighs the downside, I disagree with this approach as it may lead to the destruction of human beings and the environment.

paragraph 1:

Admittedly, there some basic advantages of nuclear power. Firstly, producing energy from nuclear power stations is cheaper as compared to other fossils fuels. This method not only gives energy at a reasonable price but also produce less pollution. If people rely on nuclear energy, then an enormous amount of fossil fuels can be saved. Secondly, it is thought by many that peace can be achieved by having nuclear weapons. In other words, nuclear missiles are extremely perilous. If any nation wants to use it, then they should have to think hundred times before launching it. So, it may reduce the chances of conflict between nations.

paragraph 2:

Nevertheless, despite the above  benefits of it, I believe that society and climate could face severe problems from nuclear power. One potentially hazardous problem is that the failure of nuclear power plants is the failure of nuclear plants. A small mistake in operating these plants which cause explosion and risks the life of myriads people. For instance, a plethora of scientists revealed that the failure of any nuclear stations is the biggest threat of it; therefore, handling these power plants without any error is extremely challenging. Another obvious issue is the disposal of nuclear waste. This waste is highly radioactive and might be killed by humans if they are exposed to such waste. At present, there has not been found any breakthrough for the proper disposal of nuclear waste. If this waste dumps on the land which may create many environmental issues.


In conclusion, although the benefits like cheaper energy and green energy can be gained by nuclear technology, I believe that the drawbacks of nuclear power outperformed its negligible benefits.

this is eng of writing task 2(Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. The benefits of nuclear technology far overweigh the disadvantages. )

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