Talk About a Time Where You Had Kept a Promise

Talk About a Time Where You Had Kept a Promise

Talk About a Time Where You Had Kept a Promise.

Sample 1 Talk About a Time Where You Had Kept a Promise

Keeping promises is an essential aspect of building trust and maintaining healthy relationships. I recall a time when I had promised a friend that I would help them move apartments.

To make it happen, I first checked my schedule to ensure that I was available on the day my friend needed help. I also made sure to arrange for transportation and enlisted the help of another friend to make the move more manageable.

The reason for keeping the promise was twofold. Firstly, I had given my word, and I value honesty and integrity. I believe that promises should be kept to maintain the trust between individuals. Secondly, I genuinely wanted to help my friend, as I understood that moving apartments can be a challenging and overwhelming task.

The experience was very rewarding, both personally and for my friendship with my friend. I was able to assist my friend in moving into their new apartment, and we were able to bond over the experience. Additionally, it gave me a sense of fulfillment knowing that I was able to help someone in need. I also learned the importance of following through on promises, as it strengthens relationships and builds trust.

In conclusion, keeping promises is essential in building trust and maintaining healthy relationships. The experience of keeping a promise to help a friend move apartments was rewarding, and it taught me the value of honesty, integrity, and fulfilling commitments. I believe that keeping promises should be a fundamental aspect of one’s personal and professional life, as it strengthens relationships and contributes to personal growth and development.

Sample 2 Talk About a Time Where You Had Kept a Promise

I vividly recall a time when I had promised to volunteer at a local animal shelter. The experience of keeping this promise was incredibly fulfilling and rewarding, and it taught me the importance of integrity, responsibility, and making a positive impact in the community.

To make it happen, I first contacted the animal shelter to inquire about volunteer opportunities and scheduled a time to come in and help. I also researched the shelter and the animals they housed to prepare myself for the tasks at hand.

The reason for keeping this promise was twofold. Firstly, I have always had a passion for animal welfare and wanted to make a positive impact in the community. Secondly, I had given my word to the shelter, and I believe that promises should be kept to maintain trust and build credibility.

The experience of volunteering at the animal shelter was incredibly fulfilling. I was able to assist with various tasks, such as feeding and cleaning the animals, socializing with them, and helping with adoptions. It was heartwarming to see the animals’ joy and excitement when they received love and attention, and it gave me a sense of purpose knowing that I was making a positive impact in their lives.

Moreover, the experience of keeping this promise taught me the importance of being responsible and accountable for my actions. It also taught me the value of giving back to the community and making a positive impact in the world.

In conclusion, keeping promises is essential in building trust and maintaining credibility, whether it be in personal or professional settings. The experience of keeping my promise to volunteer at the animal shelter was incredibly fulfilling and taught me the importance of integrity, responsibility, and making a positive impact in the community.

Follow ups of Talk About a Time Where You Had Kept a Promise

Question 1 Generally speaking, do Indian parents make promises to children?

Answer – In India, it is common for parents to make promises to their children. These promises can range from small treats, such as buying a toy or taking the child out for ice cream, to more significant promises, such as allowing the child to choose their education or career path. Making promises to children is seen as a way to motivate and encourage them to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Question 2 Do children also make promises to their parents?

Answer – Yes, children also make promises to their parents in India. It is a cultural norm to show respect and gratitude to parents by making promises and fulfilling them. These promises can be anything from helping with household chores to achieving good grades in school or taking care of their parents in their old age. Fulfilling promises made to parents is considered a duty and a way to demonstrate love and appreciation.

Question 3 Do most people fulfil their promises?

Answer – In India, like any other country, some people fulfill their promises, while others do not. Fulfilling promises is considered an essential aspect of maintaining trust and credibility in personal and professional relationships. However, factors such as cultural and social influences, personal values, and individual circumstances can impact one’s ability to fulfill their promises. Nonetheless, in general, it is expected that people make an effort to fulfill their promises and be accountable for their actions.

Question 4 How do you feel when others break their promises?

Answer – When others break their promises, it can be disappointing and hurtful. It can cause a loss of trust and credibility in the relationship, and the affected party may feel let down and frustrated. Breaking promises can lead to a breakdown in communication and cause a strain on the relationship. It can also lead to a negative impact on the affected party’s mental health, causing feelings of disappointment and betrayal. Overall, breaking promises can have significant emotional consequences and can damage personal and professional relationships.


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